The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart was among the seemingly endless parade of blue-checked liberals who lined up to defend Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black” remarks:
Come on. @JoeBiden’s ‘you ain’t black’ comment to @cthagod was clearly a joke.
— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) May 23, 2020
Biden says ‘you ain’t black’ and context dies another death.
— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) May 23, 2020
We know we’ve said this before, but damn, it feels good to be a Democrat! Because while a WaPo fixture like Capehart can make excuses for Joe Biden, that’s not how it work for Donald Trump when he says something vulgar or awful.
British political commentator Raheem Kassam didn’t have to look too far back to find a striking difference between the Washington Post’s coverage of Trump’s inappropriate comments and their coverage of Biden’s:
Leaving this here. Night night.
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) May 25, 2020
The “analysis” of Trump’s comments was posted in April 2019. And there are plenty more WaPo “analyses” like it. Inappropriate remarks are supposed to be inappropriate regardless of who says them. So why does Trump get called out for his while Biden repeatedly gets a pass?
Double standard.
— BraveEsther (@Braveding7) May 25, 2020
Yet another double standard by the fake news media.
— jkw751 (@jkw751) May 25, 2020
Ah the ever popular hypocrisy and double standards of the left. Never gets old
— TheJohnsHonestTruth (@JohnnyTwomley) May 25, 2020
If the Leftist media didn’t have double standards, they’d have none
— Dr. Soy (@InfectionHunter) May 25, 2020
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