As Twitchy told you, Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz thinks that shaming citizens who don’t vote by telling them to delete their accounts is a good way to win support. Outfits like Club for Growth Action appear determined to make Schatz’s efforts look warm and fuzzy by comparison:
Oh. My. God. The get-out-the-vote people have gone full gestapo. #BeAVoter, or…
— AnnaZ (@AnnaZ) November 5, 2018
I just got it also. 972 area code. Why would I care if my neighbors see whether I voted?
— Kyle Beaty (aka Lazarus) ?? (@lazarus_kbb) November 5, 2018
Your snail mail’s not immune, either:
@UtahDemocrats thought this turd they laid in my mailbox would be effective
I always vote
I will be voting straight red
That’s right dems I’m neverRomney and I’m voting straight republican
Give my regards to irrelevancy
— James Wayne (@JamesWa21632890) November 5, 2018
Yeah, folks love it when their unsolicited mail comes with a healthy dose of shame. *eyeroll*
— AnnaZ (@AnnaZ) November 5, 2018
Not sufficiently shamed? They’ll show up at your door, too:
They knocked on our door and asked for my wife by name and asked her if she was going to vote
— HogFanLin (@HogFanLin) November 5, 2018
Same here.
— AnnaZ (@AnnaZ) November 5, 2018
Stalking and threatening to expose people who abstain from voting is definitely a winning strategy.
"Be sure to vote."
— AnnaZ (@AnnaZ) November 5, 2018
Seriously, what the hell?
Good grief.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) November 5, 2018
Holy schnikees. What are they gonna do, publish a list on a billboard?
— Closet News Junkie (@NewsCloset) November 5, 2018
Hey, why not?
I can’t stand these people.
— Churn Dash (@ChurnDashSlash) November 5, 2018
Last word to Iowahawk:
That message persuaded me to walk door-to-door in my neighborhood, tell my neighbors that I am not going to vote, that I'm proud of it, and if they don't like it they can kiss my ass
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 5, 2018
Come and get me, coppers
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 5, 2018
Is it possible to unregister to vote? If so, count me in
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 5, 2018
Damn, from the NYT 11/4 – "OutVote & VoteWithMe, two new political apps, show you the voting histories of your friends & family. Then the apps ask you to send messages urging them to go vote on Tues." Outvote slogan:"Let's end slactivism together" (@annaz)
— Andrew Wimsatt (@ajwimsatt) November 5, 2018
Amen to that.
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