It’s no wonder feminism gets such a bad rap when it’s got thought leaders like Lena Dunham.
Not that anyone was asking about it, but last week, she made it pretty clear where she stands on guys trying to help her avoid injury:
I’d honestly rather fall into one million manholes than have one single dude tell me to watch my step
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) June 8, 2018
Um, OK.
— Ashley (@Ashley73712254) June 8, 2018
We’re gonna go out on a limb and say it’s because she’s insane. And also awful.
Were we not paying attention to you for five minutes? How rude of us.
— Jessica Cluess (@JessCluess) June 8, 2018
Well, we’re paying attention to her now. Hope she’s happy.
This is healthy.
— JavelinaBomb (@javelinabomb) June 8, 2018
For real, though. How messed up do you have to be to hate men — not just men, but polite men — that much?
*Falls into manhole*
*Blames the patriarchy*— Amy Curtis (@RantyAmyCurtis) June 8, 2018
"I'd rather be hurt than have opposite gender be polite to me" wow wtf
— Benjamin J Holliday (@Thespian80) June 9, 2018
But if that’s really what she wants … who are we to stand in her way?
::poof:: ::genie appears:: Wish granted.
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) June 8, 2018
I would rather you did also
— Sean Rabbett (@Blufowth) June 9, 2018
On behalf of all men, I say “carry on”.
— Mitch Berg (@mitchpberg) June 8, 2018
It’s the 21st century, you can do what you like. Matter of fact, I invite you to fall into one, or as many as you like. I’m nothing if not supportive.
— DC (@DRCallista) June 10, 2018
Okay you heard her guys *opens every manhole on earth*
— Liquid Blake (@BlakeIsOK) June 9, 2018
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