Leave it to self-righteous social justice crusader Lauren Duca to stick her foot in her mouth. She kicked off Pride Month in the only way she knows how: by stepping on a rake.
Wow. Patronizing, much? Unlike Lauren, we’re not about to speak for the LGBT community. But if we were them, we’d probably be pretty annoyed with her.
please do not make pride about straight people, thanks pic.twitter.com/7WozMdNdhb
— character actress georgie rae (@georgiemorvis) June 1, 2018
Lauren Duca wouldn’t know “acceptance” if it bit her in the face. But we digress.
arguing that pride is for "everyone" negates the entire idea of having pride in the first place. it's very all lives matter.
— character actress georgie rae (@georgiemorvis) June 1, 2018
Look at her, LGBT-splaining!
— character actress georgie rae (@georgiemorvis) June 1, 2018
Equating allies with ‘all lives matter’ is terrible logic and its own form of whitewashing.
— Klastastic (@klastastic) June 1, 2018
allies trying to make pride about them is exactly like white people trying to make black lives matter about them
— character actress georgie rae (@georgiemorvis) June 1, 2018
Well, this is all going just swimmingly for Lauren!
weird how you seem to be talking over LGBTQ people then
— G.G. (@ggsacks) June 1, 2018
Everything about this statement , except perhaps the parenthetical, is wrong. Just, no…..
— Federico Chispas (@dfsparks) June 1, 2018
I appreciate most things you do, Lauren, but this is all kinda off
— G.G. (@ggsacks) June 1, 2018
When you really just don’t want the gays to have even one thing just for them… https://t.co/1urq32ovRh
— Dr. Jane Seymour, Medicine Quinn (@MavisGary) June 1, 2018
Calm down, Spartacus
— Wile E. Minogue (@chrisopotamia) June 1, 2018
rethink this
— Charlotte Dow (@charlotteatepie) June 1, 2018
— Jennie Brown Hakim (@JennieBH) June 1, 2018
— ???? (@stephdoesntcare) June 1, 2018
— Abby Spice (@clapifyoulikeme) June 1, 2018
— Holy Roomba (@Holy_Roomba) June 1, 2018
She deleted it, but we got a screenshot, of course. You know, for posterity:
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