Fortunately for Hillary, this was one “hard choice” she didn’t have to make.
The former secretary of state met with People magazine today for a photo shoot and interview. But she couldn’t stick around for too long. You see, she had somewhere else to be. Only … nobody was really supposed to know about that.
Weird Washington moment of the day – @PeopleMag accidentally tweeting about a mtg btw Hillary and Obama, not on his public sked
— Nikki Schwab (@NikkiSchwab) May 29, 2014
It was pretty awkward.
Deleted People Mag tweet with @HillaryClinton
— Susan Crabtree (@susancrabtree) May 29, 2014
People eventually did send out a replacement tweet:
PEOPLE's @sswestfall chats w/@HillaryClinton before her @WhiteHouse lunch. Hope she wasn't late for @barackobama!
— People (@people) May 29, 2014
After the White House was forced to acknowledge that the meeting took place.
WH just confirmed: Pres. Obama and @hillaryclinton lunched today. This was left off the Obama schedule.
— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) May 29, 2014
WH confirms Pres Obama had a private lunch today with Hillary Clinton. VP Biden was in Seattle.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) May 29, 2014
The media don’t seem to appreciate being kept out of the loop:
There was no mention of the president's lunch with Clinton on the daily schedule of the president provided to the press.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) May 29, 2014
Note from @edhenryTV about President Obama and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – click
— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) May 29, 2014
Pool reporter assigned to cover Obama today complained to Jay Carney about "lack of transparency" for trying to hide lunch with Hillary.
— Dave Boyer (@DaveBoyer) May 29, 2014
But what else should they expect from the Most Transparent Administration Evah™?
— Raffi Williams (@Raffiwilliams) May 29, 2014
Well, some transparency is OK with the Obama White House. As WaPo’s David Nakamura pointed out:
White House will tell us when CIA chief in Afghanistan is at Obama event but not when Hillary Clinton is having lunch with him.
— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) May 29, 2014
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