As Twitchy reported, Geraldo somehow got it into his head that what tweeters want, what they really really want, is to see his chesticles. He thought wrong:
I'm starting to regret being on Twitter this afternoon. .. Looking at you, Geraldo
— Michele Frost (@michelelfrost) April 25, 2014
Maybe laughter can dull the searing pain in our mind’s eye:
@NahBabyNah Geraldo "The Man that Had No Nipples".
— C. Irwin (@Bookwormdearlor) April 25, 2014
@TwitchyTeam Al least Geraldo only Tweets the top half. #weiner
— Laurie Bailey Vaughn (@LaurieBailey) April 25, 2014
Thank goodness for small favors.
Maybe The Idiot King should threaten Putin w/ naked Geraldo selfies. #AbideByTheManNippleHashtag #KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) April 25, 2014
That would definitely be more effective than a quiver of arrows.
@GeraldoRivera Believe me, in your case, 70 is NOT the new 30. Keep your clothes on.
— Judy (@jwv52) April 25, 2014
Geraldo Rivera is an example of how dangerous it is for older people to take selfies..
— Michael McManus (@michaelGmcm) April 25, 2014
True story. But if there is anyone out there who’s interested in seeing more from Geraldo:
‘Why God? Why????’ Geraldo subjects Twitter to another topless selfie [pic]
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