Why should grown, dependent hipsters have all the onesie funsies? Former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh also prefers to slip into something a little more comfortable when he wants to #GetTalking about Obamacare — repeal, that is:
.@BarackObama is right. We should #GetTalking and #GetRepealing. At least this #PajamaBoy thinks so. #tcot pic.twitter.com/7Hxb5H3EoP
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) December 18, 2013
Is this your Christmas card? MT @WalshFreedom @BarackObama is right. We should #GetTalking and #GetRepealing. #tcot pic.twitter.com/5fYoMlc6hc
— PaulJGoldsmith (@PaulJGoldsmith) December 18, 2013
Heh. If it isn’t, it should be.
‘This is getting insane’: OFA’s onesie-clad Obamacare spokesmodel inspires mockery
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Twitter gold! The Obama #PajamaBoy selfie and other must-see mash-ups and memes [Photoshops]
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