We’re really, really lucky. Because if it weren’t for Real Principled Conservatives™ like the Bulwark’s Amanda Carpenter, conservatives would really be up a lack-of-credibility creek.
See, Real Principled Conservatives™ like Amanda Carpenter follow the Science™. But don’t take our word for it. Take hers:
If you got vaccinated and have to wear a mask, it's not because you got vaccinated. It's because your neighbors didn't.
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 29, 2021
She’s off to a great start, isn’t she? And now for the dismount:
Until we have a vaxx for 12 and under and enough vaccinated ppl to protect the vulnerable, the responsible folks, including school children, are going to be punished for other people's mistakes.
That's the reality. Let's be very up front about who is to blame.
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 29, 2021
If we’re being upfront about who’s to blame, we’d be remiss if we didn’t include self-righteous know-it-alls like Amanda Carpenter, who has just done her part to further undermine vaccine confidence.
Weird antivaxx argument, but okay. https://t.co/9bR3CedhKA
— tsar becket adams (@BecketAdams) July 29, 2021
"We need to keep a diaper on the dog until the cat stops pissing on the living room carpet."
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) July 29, 2021
I’m sure a message of “the vaccines don’t work,” which is what Amanda is saying, whether she realizes it or not, will surely get people to get vaccinated. https://t.co/PRwYRaVVwJ
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 29, 2021
Stop helping, Amanda. You’ve done more than enough.
Nope. Their risk. I’m not responsible for them.
— Colin Duffy (@TheRightDuff) July 29, 2021
No, it’s because the CDC has decided that I’m responsible for the health of my unvaccinated neighbor.
— Martin Spencer (@spencmar) July 29, 2021
It’s because you don’t actually trust the science. The vaccines work. You don’t need a mask.
— Tucker Carlson’s Furrowed Brow (@Chimp_HQ) July 29, 2021
Amanda Carpenter can wear her mask to slow the spread of COVID19 if she wants to. She just shouldn’t expect the rest of us to do it.
And the whole point of getting vaccinated is what? When a person gets vaccinated for other things they don’t have to worry about the people that didn’t because the vaccine protects them. The way it stands, everyone could get vaxxed & we would still have COVID
— MKShepp (@SheppMk) July 29, 2021
Maybe, just to be extra safe, Amanda should also wear a strip of duct tape over her mouth. Spreading unscientific misinformation can be just as dangerous and deadly as COVID19, after all.
Guess she was always a grifter at heart.
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