American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten makes six figures for advocating against teachers doing their jobs.
And despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, she continues to claim that she does it all in the name of science:
When science & evidence speak we listen……Guidance changes as the pandemic changes. If that means requiring everyone in school buildings to be masked, we will do so.
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) July 27, 2021
She’s shameless. We’ll give her that.
Just here for the ratio
— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) July 28, 2021
It’s not too shabby:
It can only heat up from there.
Have you been in collaboration with the CDC on this decision also?
— John Linder (@linderje) July 28, 2021
That’s a very fair question.
— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) July 28, 2021
— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) July 28, 2021
Randi Weingarten was never interested in following the science; she was interested in getting the rest of us to live under her version of it.
— TJWFW (@icouldbeahacker) July 28, 2021
Randi Weingarten toxic. Teachers unions are toxic.
Abolish public sector unions.
— Tiana Lowe (@TianaTheFirst) July 28, 2021
Time to end public school and teacher’s unions. This broad is beyond useless.
— Aaron “#ravencoin is #bitcoin 3.0” Day @7421 (@AaronDayAtlas) July 28, 2021
No one has done more to unnecessarily destroy the reputation of teachers as a whole than you, Ma'm. My hope and prayer is teachers begin to stand up en masse to say you no longer speak for them. Lord knows you don't speak for our kids.
— ap (@Olygirlforever) July 28, 2021
Parting evergreen tweet:
let families take their children's education dollars elsewhere.
— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) July 28, 2021
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