It’s not a day ending in “y” if Salon doesn’t push out hot garbage. This offering comes via AlterNet:
Why is the Bible so badly written?
— Salon (@Salon) February 8, 2018
AlterNet’s Valerie Tarico writes:
Millions of evangelicals and other Christian fundamentalists believe that the Bible was dictated by God to men who acted essentially as human transcriptionists. If that were the case, one would have to conclude that God is a terrible writer. Many passages in the Bible would get kicked back by any competent editor or writing professor, kicked back with a lot of red ink — often more red than black.
Mixed messages, repetition, bad fact-checking, awkward constructions, inconsistent voice, weak character development, boring tangents, contradictions, passages where nobody can tell what the heck the writer meant to convey. This doesn’t sound like a book that was dictated by a deity.
But this article sounds like an excuse to crap on the Bible. Which is basically what Valerie does.
Speaking of badly written…
— JD (@m5drummer) February 8, 2018
Kinda hypocritical of salon to talk about bad writing
— Bush (@bushdid411) February 8, 2018
It isn’t. Salon, however…
— ??? ? (@infobee) February 8, 2018
Maybe sit this one out, Salon.
— Javier E. David (@TeflonGeek) February 8, 2018
Interesting observation, Salon.
Say, do you still publish articles that try to normalize pedophilia?
— Hey Bucko (@HeyBuckeroo) February 8, 2018
This is such an intellectually lazy article. Most of the arguments made are based on the writers subjective opinion and little else
— Joshua Reed (@breasinger76) February 8, 2018
Was this article written by a fifteen year old who just discovered atheism?
— Eric M Hamilton ? (@ericmhamilton) February 8, 2018
Try this ===>
— Maverick (@Mavspur1) February 8, 2018
It is written to touch the soul. There's your trouble.
— … (@aintwesomething) February 8, 2018
This is one of the most hilariously un-self aware articles I've ever seen.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) February 8, 2018
And that’s really saying something.
Just delete this post. #smh
— Joey Contreras (@JoeyAContreras) February 8, 2018
— SomthingMachine (@SomthingMachine) February 8, 2018
They never learn. But since they’re such gluttons for punishment, why not go out with a bang?
We’ll wait.
Wow … we did not see this coming:
Thank you for your feedback. We heard you. Upon further review, we determined that this article, which was republished to Salon from a partner website, did not meet our editorial standards.
— Salon (@Salon) February 8, 2018
Editorial standards? Who knew they had those?
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