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President Trump, I Am Ready to FIGHT (Plus 2 1/2 Minutes of Dems Calling for Violence Against Trump)

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

Last night when my husband told me Trump had been shot (I was with the corgis doing corgi-mom stuff and he was watching the rally) it felt like the world stopped for just a second. It's one of those things that you hear and it doesn't resonate for a moment ... and then it hit home and I actually ran into the living room so I could see what happened. I heard the pops, saw people duck, saw Trump grab his right ear, and then he was on the ground surrounded by secret service. Part of me hoped he had reacted to an earpiece and that someone told him to get down because I couldn't actually accept that he'd been shot. Then he stood up and I saw his bloody ear, the blood on his face, and then that fist in the air ... and he said FIGHT.

Full disclosure, I don't cry all that easily. I cried when my father-in-law passed away, I cried at his service, I cried when I got a picture of my oldest's first dorm room - I don't cry over politics. I just don't. The only way I can actually cover this crazy is if I separate myself personally from it, otherwise I'd be a babbling lunatic.

No jokes.

Welp, last night I cried. I was so shaken by what we all saw that I covered my face and cried. Then I got angry, and the tears turned into furious sobs. It was not pretty and probably not my finest moment, but I angry-cried for a good 10 minutes. Luckily I knew I needed to get online and work so it distracted me a bit, but the more I read from people wishing the bullet had hit Trump the angrier I got. 

I'd stopped crying, but I was angry.

I'm still angry this morning. Up until now I was happy to be the rational conservative, the adult in the room. I was comfortable pointing out to everyone that while I wished someone else had won the primary I would support Trump.

Almost as if I felt like I had to.

And in a way, I guess that was true. I have always known I will vote against whoever runs against Biden ... once again voting against someone versus for someone. I think like many of us, I've gotten used to voting for the so-called 'lesser of two evils'. That all changed last night when I saw that man stand up, his bloodied face, his fist raised, and he said FIGHT.

I'm in.

I'm ready to FIGHT.

I endorse him.

I even put Trump 2024 in my bio which is sort of a big deal, believe it or not.

What can I say, Twitter is weird.

In closing, I'd like to leave you with this 2 /12 minute clip of various Democrats calling for violence against Trump ... and his supporters.

Trump 2024


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