Once again our good, dear, rational, delicate friends in traditional media completely and totally botched a story because of their very real Trump Derangement Syndrome. For weeks (months?) the media prattled on and on about how Trump was making the Fourth of July celebration about him and about his campaign, inspiring loads and loads of crazy from the Left, shaking their angry little fists and accusing him of using tax dollars to campaign.
And as usual, the media was wrong.
Super wrong.
Like, they were so wrong they were almost right and then went back around to being wrong again.
Brit Hume nailed them and shared NewsBusters’ video compilation of just how WRONG they all really were.
The video at the link below is a catalog of misjudgment by people in the media who once again have gotten a story completely wrong. They never learn. https://t.co/vFGA3Pn0Pm
— Brit Hume (@brithume) July 7, 2019
They never do learn.
Here’s the video for your viewing ‘pleasure’.
Remember all those doomsday predictions about Trump's Salute to America event? We do. https://t.co/PQkAGxltIk
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) July 7, 2019
The U S. MSM.
They only open their mouth to insert the foot they haven't shot.— Max Freiheit (@MaxFreiheit) July 7, 2019
— Peter Brennan (@Sanderz16) July 7, 2019
Hey, we see what he did here.
They just lie and lie and lie, and then more DNC talking points.
— GP Cooper (@gpcooper) July 7, 2019
They are so out of touch… or are they just trying to keep viewers out of touch…
— Battabingbattaboom ?? (@M0kley) July 7, 2019
It’s gotten so easy too.
What the hell, Chris Mathews?
"To hope for violence would be treasonous, but not to expect it naive???"
In other words, we really want violence but can't come out and say that. Can't wait to say told you so.
— Alpha Barbie ?? (@AlphaBarbieSays) July 7, 2019
Once that ‘tingle’ over Obama went up Chris’ leg he was never the same.
They might if they were held more accountable by their own news directors.
— Hammerjack (@MarcGiller) July 7, 2019
Psh. Didn’t you know, ORANGE MAN BAD.
Am old enough to remember truthful accurate news broadcasts. You are the last of these gentlemen
— Jo Marshall (@JobadjobadJo) July 7, 2019
Too busy trying to be the news instead of reporting the news.
— Melissa ?? (@mellie252) July 7, 2019
Wow. Brit – why is there no accountability in the Press?
— Scott Sprouse (@ScottSprouse) July 7, 2019
Beats the Hell out of us.
Does "got it wrong" go far enough?
It's not as if these people were doing any reporting and got bad information. They just made stuff up.
— Jim Argiro (@BigSmoothInBigD) July 7, 2019
It's not about getting it wrong; it's about finding a way for Democrats and #FakeNewsMedia to attack anything Trump does in every way.
— Michael (@SpkFromHeart) July 7, 2019
Winner winner chicken dinner!
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