James Comey tweeting about truth is a little bit like Obama tweeting about the Constitution … it’s just not right. Sort of like when you see a dog or cat walking around on their hind legs? Unsettling, even a little disturbing.
You’d think he’d know better at this point than to tweet about truth in any way, shape or form, but nope.
Truth exists and truth matters. Truth has always been the touchstone of our country’s justice system and political life. People who lie are held accountable. If we are untethered to truth, our justice system cannot function and a society based on the rule of law dissolves.
— James Comey (@Comey) August 19, 2018
Boy, this guy has a lot of nerve.
Nuclear levels of it. Maybe it’s from standing in that cornfield a few months ago.
Your truth seems a tad different than most people's truth. Pretty sure it is not subjective. https://t.co/u8hAemxQVb
— BayAreaFrau (@bayareahausfrau) August 20, 2018
Comey seems to have his own ‘truth’.
This tweet is the epitome of delusional. You of all people lecturing US on truth and lying. You help destroy the reputation of the @FBI and you and your pack are seditiously attempting to overthrow our duly elected @POTUS.
— One Good Man (@OneGoodMan77) August 20, 2018
What he said.
Accountability and truth only matter when it comes to other people, duh.
too bad you failed so miserably at protecting the rule of law by illegally releasing nonsense about Clinton emails. This fiasco & nightmare is on you.
— Doug Abrams (@abrams_doug) August 19, 2018
Stop it. You are not credible.
— Ramy Trawlets (@sceptress) August 20, 2018
That’s rich coming from you.
— Mark Smith (@Mvsmith09) August 20, 2018
That’s rich coming from you.
— Mark Smith (@Mvsmith09) August 20, 2018
Gosh, James, we’re sensing a good many people don’t believe you when you talk about truth.
Whoda thunk?
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