As you lovely Twitchy readers know, Wil Wheaton tweeted some repugnant shiznit yesterday after the horrendous shooting in Sutherland Springs, TX. In case you were lucky enough to miss it …
The murdered victims were in a church. If prayers did anything, they'd still be alive, you worthless sack of shit.
— Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) November 5, 2017
Wil was so distraught over the people who had been killed and wounded that he used and exploited them to try and hurt Paul Ryan for praying for them. Seems a really horrible way to make your point, but then again, it is the Left we’re talking about, SPECIFICALLY Wil ‘Blocks Everyone on Twitter’ Wheaton.
The dozen or so people he has not blocked on Twiter took issue with his tweet:
One thing to attack a politician, it’s another to attack the innocent dead and all religion. Looks like you’re the worthless sack of shit…
— Bryan McNally ?? (@BryanDMcNally) November 5, 2017
But gun control and stuff! Prayer is bad, m’kay?
I'm not talking about religion or faith at all. I am talking about the speaker of the house who does nothing to address gun violence.
— Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) November 5, 2017
Actually, Wil was talking about the people attending church, slamming their religion and their faith in some bizarre attack on Paul Ryan over gun control. Maybe he should try thinking before tweeting?
Hey, real and actual people of faith: I hear you. I apologise for insulting you, in my rage at Paul Ryan's refusal to address gun violence.
— Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) November 5, 2017
Too little, too late, Wesley.
Your faith is your business, and people like Paul Ryan exploit it while they hide behind words without deeds, and people continue to die.
— Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) November 5, 2017
The only people who have been exploiting religion on this topic are the jackasses on the Left shaming people for praying.
Like Wil.
Because I want to be sure sincere people of Faith see this: I spoke in anger, and I apologize to you.— Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) November 5, 2017
Pretty sure this didn’t go over all that well.
We are called Christians, and ever since the crucifixion we have been murdered and mocked for our beliefs. Your hatred is nothing new
— Jimmy Combs (@JimmyCombs1) November 6, 2017
Been there, done that.
I've seen the cut of your jib, sir.
-A former fan.— TxStormNurse ⛈? (@TonyReeder) November 6, 2017
Former fan indeed.
Adam Baldwin CALLS OUT Wil Wheaton over ‘sack of s*it’ hot take on Sutherland Springs
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