Man, Cecile Richards sure hates families, or at least she gives the impression she does. The amount of vitriol she spews about babies actually making it out of the womb ALIVE is impressive, and not in a good way.
You know what we call people who practice the rhythm method?
— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) October 26, 2017
SAY IT AIN’T SO?! Sex is how babies are made and if you have sex you might get pregnant? *GASP*
And you know the worst part of this tweet? Besides the fact that she clearly thinks being a parent is a bad thing … the worst (or best) part of this tweet is that she left the door open for Ben Shapiro to absolutely annihilate her with her own words:
You know what we call people who kill babies? Planned Parenthood.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 27, 2017
After Ben nuked her it really got bad:
You know what we call the actions of grownups who can't remember to take the pill or abstain if they don't want a child? Infanticide!
— Joe (@JOE_MASCIOLI) October 27, 2017
Abortion truly has become a lazy person’s birth control.
She says it like it’s obscene or something.
— Philbert (@pcgstl) October 27, 2017
To Cecile the idea of a baby being born likely is obscene.
Oooooh, good point.
Does she even realize she just admitted life begins at conception? For once, a leftist is in agreement with science.
— Heather (@kat_samb) October 27, 2017
It is science, which is why the Left refuses to accept it as truth.
‘Nuff said.
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