The Hill was quick to share this piece defending Obama for not doing more publicly to condemn Russia.
Because you know, nothing is EVER his fault, right?
Author: Obama didn't do more to publicly condemn Russia because he didn't want to look political
— The Hill (@thehill) July 16, 2018
From The Hill:
Author and CBS correspondent Jeff Pegues says President Obama didn’t do more publicly to condemn Russia’s actions during the 2016 presidential race because he didn’t want to appear political in his response.
“Do you think it was largely a political calculation for the Obama administration to do less?” Hill.TV co-host Buck Sexton asked Pegues on “Rising.”
“I think in hindsight it was,” Pegues responded. “There were concerns at that time that the Obama administration would appear to be putting the thumb on the scale for Hillary Clinton at a time when candidate Trump was saying that the election was rigged.”
These people seriously only see what they want to see.
Every decision he made was based on politics Not taking action was infact a political move
— Bradley Shaw (@DefRonin) July 16, 2018
Obama NEVER really stopped campaigning.
As my commanding officer once told me as a young, boot ensign, "No excuse is necessary because there is none that would be adequate."
— C.J. Simones (@CJ_Simones) July 16, 2018
This actually makes a lot of sense.
Actually it was because it contradicted everything he said about Russia when he ran against Romney. Remember during debates, @BarackObama laughed off Romney when Romney identified Putin’s Russia as a threat
— JD Crow (@JD_Crow) July 16, 2018
Which would still be political.
Funny how that works when you’re a freakin’ POLITICIAN.
Perhaps he was just showing Putin his flexibility.
— Ronald K. Braun (@RonaldKBraun) July 16, 2018
Everything Obama said or did was political.
— Russell ❌ Jones (@Russell7856412) July 16, 2018
He campaigned for Clinton! We all knew what side he was on. It’s bs that he didn’t want to look political. Don’t know the real reason but this is not it
— RW (@rwlawoffice) July 16, 2018
Because he was that sure Hillary would win.
This all boils down to the Democrats trying to cheat their way back into the White House and in the process, they made it possible for Russia to have even more leeway into our 2016 election. They can sit on the sidelines now and cry about how horrible this situation is, but without Obama doing the things he did we wouldn’t be where we are now.
Sure, what Trump did today was awful, but let’s not pretend this hasn’t been ongoing in politics for decades. Trump is just not as good at hiding it as others … like Obama.
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