We’re not entirely sure what the worst part of this tweet is. Whether or not it’s this woman (?) thinks only men sexually assault women or that sexual assault only happens during the day.
Then again these folks aren’t typically the brightest crayons in the box so maybe we’re overthinking it.
Ladies, a question for you:
"What would you do if all men had a 9pm curfew?"
Dudes: Read this thread and pay attention.#MeToo #privilege
— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) October 17, 2017
Guessing this sounded better in her head before she tweeted it. That’s her solution after reading days of women (and men!) talking about their experiences with sexual assault and harassment?
This is incredibly sexist and bigoted, imagine if a man suggested women have a 9 pm curfew to protect themselves? Women would be screaming from the rooftops about being oppressed by white male privilege.
Probably be pretty pissed that I couldn’t go out at night with my boyfriend. “All men” is discriminatory.
— Jaclyn Glenn (@JaclynGlenn) October 18, 2017
Bingo. This editor happens to love spending time with her husband out and about EVEN AT NIGHT.
The horror.
You wouldn’t do much! Men work the overwhelming majority of 3rd shift jobs, so, you’d be covering those. Security, Baking, manufacturing. 1/
— 1001 Yangian Nights ? (@MckinleyDHughes) October 19, 2017
Like we said, we’re pretty sure she didn’t really think this through before she posted it.
Road crews, janitorial, bartender, waitrer, 7-11, oil rigs, EMS, Power Crews, Truckers, Wal-Mary stockers, cab driver/Uber driver, pilot 2/
— 1001 Yangian Nights ? (@MckinleyDHughes) October 19, 2017
Gotta love her honesty.
I see a lot of insecure people who don't understand crime statistics or risk management & consequently use "men" as a scapegoat for their self-inflicted misery.
— John Sisino (@smarmyEOD) October 18, 2017
Men are an easy, faceless villain feminists can blame when pushing a narrative.
Wow, what a bigoted thing to post.
— William Keane (@largebill68) October 18, 2017
And discriminatory.
Honestly, I'd do nothing differently, but miss my male company. Maybe not in the spirit, but true.
— jools the bass (@joolsthebass) October 17, 2017
Get annoyed because I live in a country where a generalising law has come into effect
— Softvelvet (@Juddnelspoon) October 18, 2017
Double bingo.
HA! And who would kill any spiders outside after 9 pm?!
TRIGGERING: Christina Sommers speaks at Williams on feminism, SJWs rant, call her white supremacist
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