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Washington Post Columnist Heather Long May Throw Out Her Back Trying to Carry Water for Joe Biden

With the entirety of the mainstream media trying to push, pull, or drag this old nag formerly known as the Biden administration across the finish line during this election season. It's getting pretty sad how obvious they are becoming as they blatantly lie for this old man. 


Heather is trying so hard to be a dutiful little minion.

She almost told the truth since critical factors had to be left out to get the number this low. Also, lest we forget, the inflation rate has slowed but still has not reversed.

Doug is entirely correct. We are still far from the land of rate cuts, especially with Presiden Puddin' Head running the show.

The media spin is nauseating; it's a shame that's how they justify blatant dishonesty.


Holy crikey, was it a good burrito, at least? 

Marching orders are marching orders, Sally. 

This administration isn't exactly hiding its authoritarian bent.

If only someone were trying to warn Americans that the mainstream media isn't to be trusted. 

The truth is all of America knows these numbers are bogus. You feel it every time you fill up your car shop at the store or any other thing we all took for granted being able to do comfortably not too long ago; keep this feeling in mind in November, though, if you feel better off under Biden, vote accordingly. If not, again, vote accordingly. The decision is and always will be yours.

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