@greta yes NBC Survey Monkey online poll @chucktodd had the numbers @meetthepress
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) August 9, 2015
On NBC this morning, Meet The Press host Chuck Todd unveiled a new poll showing Donald Trump and Ted Cruz leading the GOP 2016 pack. Just one thing…
Note this NOT the NBC/WSJ poll. This is NBC/"Survey Monkey" poll. pic.twitter.com/LFKTtQZrkc
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) August 9, 2015
Is an online poll less legitimate than traditional methods? And should the name “Survey Monkey” raise eyebrows?
Some think so.
This poll is SO different from what we've seen so far, Maybe bc it's a "survey monkey" poll than regular methods. https://t.co/PXP5Urjltd
— Mike Pesca (@pescami) August 9, 2015
@mckaycoppins A Survey Monkey poll doesn't cut it in anyone's book. #NBCFAIL
— Holly (@HollyASwanson) August 9, 2015
Not everyone’s quick to dismiss the online survey company, though. (In case you didn’t know, the firm’s CEO was Dave Goldberg, the late husband of Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg.
SurveyMonkey Was The Other Winner Of The U.K. Election (@carlbialik) http://t.co/pJawIX92Sn
— OpinionToday.com (@OpinionToday) May 13, 2015
Todd responds on Twitter to criticism:
@chucktodd what was methodology here? Guessing it was online since it was Survey Monkey?
— Matt Mackowiak (@MattMackowiak) August 9, 2015
@MattMackowiak yes. As I said on air. Online panel. So scientifically done. Not like drudge or other internet polls. Screened
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) August 9, 2015
@jcpolls @CheriJacobus @CarlBialik trust me. I have been skeptical. This is been rigorously vetted
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) August 9, 2015
More debate as readers as viewers search for more info:
Anyone have the details of that Survey Monkey/NBC poll yet? Sample size, MoE, that sort of thing.
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) August 9, 2015
@varadmehta Doesn't appear to be posted, but their pre-debate poll is here. Likely same methodology. https://t.co/5gFxzLCz8I
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) August 9, 2015
Yes. And an randomly-sampled online poll is very different from a "come all! come all!" online poll (like Drudge). https://t.co/sTK9mhh78E
— Kristen Soltis Anderson (@KSoltisAnderson) August 9, 2015
@KSoltisAnderson @Nate_Cohn is this NBC poll a true random sample or is it Survey Monkey's usual methodology?
— Andrew Baumann (@abaumania) August 9, 2015
@kerpen Thanks. Based on a quick glance, it seems they have the same issue as other polls, namely, oversampling unlikely GOP primary voters.
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) August 9, 2015
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