Oh, my! Perhaps that explains this indecipherable frantic tweet that Mr. Fineman posted earlier.
Heh. Cat got your tweet, toots? Twitter users can’t resist some jabs over that one.
@howardfineman your tweets are really hard to decode.
— Dave Devitt (@sydcon) October 28, 2012
@howardfineman Is that you Senator Grassley?
— Gus (@Gus_802) October 28, 2012
Looking at @howardfineman's recent TL, I'm convinced he's drunk or dictates his columns at HP.
— Slim Pickens (@Mattie96) October 28, 2012
HuffPo editor and MSNBC analyst Fineman continues. Basically, that Des Moines Register endorsement of Romney? A pretty big deal.
#Obama admitted in DM register off the record interview that he hadn't talked to the edit board in 4 years!! Political malpractice.
— howardfineman (@howardfineman) October 28, 2012
So DMR endorsed Romney. Obama deserves what he gets in Iowa for this case of Political sloth.
— howardfineman (@howardfineman) October 28, 2012
Anger in my corner of Twittersphere cuz i said DM Reg Mitt endorsement bad news for Obama. It's' not fatal, but he needs all mo' he can get.
— howardfineman (@howardfineman) October 28, 2012
Calm down. Yes DMR more conservative now. but that's part of the story. Their 1st gop endorsement in 40 years. DMR still matters in Iowa.
— howardfineman (@howardfineman) October 28, 2012
Calm down? That is incomprehensible to the unhinged. So, guess what comes next? That’s right: Cue the conspiracy music. The Des Moines Register endorsed Romney because, Bain!!11111eleventy.
.@howardfineman DMR owned in part by Bain Capital. Journalistic malpractice on your part not to include that info.
— Wear a Mask! (@BuckeyeVoter) October 28, 2012
*@EricBoehlert @ritaag @howardfineman Seriously A Bain Owned newspaper endorsement=doom for the Obama campaign? #p2 #tcot
— King David Lane (@KingDavidLane) October 28, 2012
@howardfineman DMR owned by Gannett Corp. whose major investor is BAIN CAPITAL. Do your job HOWARD!!
— joy123 (@joy123) October 28, 2012
@howardfineman You leave out that DMR has been partially owned by Bain Capital since 2009 … that compromises its endorsement.
— FogBelter (@FogBelter) October 28, 2012
RT @JasonFebery: Is it any surprise that a newspaper owned by Bain Capital would endorse Bain Capital's former CEO? | @HowardFineman #Romney
— Willy (@WillySkyKing) October 28, 2012
Daily Kos: @howardfineman you are an #idiot http://t.co/zA9LztAp via @dailykos // DMR partially owned by BAIN! Duh. #p2 #ows #IOWA
— Please Wear A Mask (@craftyme25) October 28, 2012
No…@goldietaylor He missed the research on Bain Capital's connection to DMR @howardfineman
— McBlondeLand (@McBlondeLand) October 28, 2012
And it’s not just a cuckoo pants response to Fineman. This seems to be an extremely desperate and sad straw. Grasp! Grasp like the wind!
No, for reals!
.@Honey17011: Bain relationship w/ Des Moines Register makes endorsement a non-event. http://t.co/aSi9WEDk
— Jon Hardie (@BonhoefferLives) October 28, 2012
BAIN (#Romney) owns the Des Moines Register, which endorsed their master. Yawwwwn.
— Vichy Trump du Putin (@BrettaApplebaum) October 28, 2012
Des Moines Register is not a liberal paper. It's owned by a surrogate of Bain Capital. Calls em like we sees em. #doesitmatter?
— Mim Eichler Rivas (@madcubans) October 28, 2012
Bain Capital is owner of the Des Moines Register so who do you think they are going to endorse … Not BO.
— XMiller (@xai007) October 28, 2012
@LatinRomney Not exactly. DMR's owned by Gannett, which has some sort of relationship with the Weather Channel, which is part-owned by Bain.
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) October 28, 2012
DMR is owned by Gannett who has a contract w/the Weather Channel's WSI who is owned in part by Bain Capital. Says it all.
— Tina (@Tinastweet) October 28, 2012
Oh, it says something, sweetie. About you.
DMR is owned by Bain bwahaha wow some endorsement. I'm still laughing.
— Janis (@janisgos) October 28, 2012
We are laughing, too. At you, not with you.
Leftys playing seven degrees of Kevin Bacon to say DMR owned by Bain Capital. #morons While idiotic, it is entertaining to watch.
— Dan Czech (@dpczech) October 28, 2012
The Des Moines Register is not owned by Bain Capital. Stop being ridiculous.
— Ben White (@morningmoneyben) October 28, 2012
Thank you. Amazing how fast that one took off. RT @morningmoneyben: Des Moines Register is not owned by Bain Capital. Stop being ridiculous.
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) October 28, 2012
The desperation, it scorches!
Sorry to burst your bubble, lefties. There is no conspiracy. President Obama did not receive the endorsement for one, simple reason: His presidency has been an utter failure.
We cannot afford four more years and even the Des Moines Register realized that. But, hey, keep bitterly clinging to your cuckoo pants conspiracies and such. It’s hilarious!
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