Alec Baldwin crawled out from the gutter to throw some gutter-sludge on Twitter. The ghoulish Baldwin is pulling a revolting Stephanie Cutter: Benghazi and the death of Americans? Only an issue, because Romney. Appalling.
He continues.
Righties politicize death of Stevens + attack "security issue."
Where were concerns when Bush/Cheney failed 2 protect US troops in Iraq?— HABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) October 14, 2012
Note the sneer quotes around security issues. Whatever! No big whoop; The One has a reelection campaign to wage. Isn’t that all that matters? Plus, as long as he had good enough security when he hit Vegas, baby! As predicted, Stephanie Cutter is getting no heat from the Left for her beyond reprehensible remarks. She is even still out spinning for Obama. Baldwin further exposes why that is: They agree with her. To them, everything, including the death of four Americans, is just fodder for spin.
Twitter users try to explain things to the soulless Baldwin.
@ABFalecbaldwin we should completely ignore this failure, but give Obama full credit for killing Bin Laden? That makes me laugh like Biden.
— Lane Agreeable Clayson (@Captpretentious) October 14, 2012
@ABFalecbaldwin You mean the war that Biden voted for?
— Cathy C. (@CATHCO9) October 14, 2012
@ABFalecbaldwin /If Bush-u libs and all media would want answers! You guys are hypocrites.
— Tate Casey (@tatcasla) October 14, 2012
@ABFalecbaldwin pointing out the admins blindness/ naïveté that caused Stephens death isn't politics… it's seeking the truth/ justice.
— Mitch G, Thats Me. (@mgcat) October 14, 2012
Bingo. But, one has to have a soul to comprehend it. Maybe Rob Lowe can explain a thing or two to the ghoulish Baldwin.
Seek help, Alec. It’s far past due.
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