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BREAKING: Tim Burchett Calls for ND Lawmaker to be HANGED for Traveling to Pay for Sex With Minor

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

HOO BOY. Buckle up, Dear Readers, because this one is a doozy. We'll provide some background information first.

At the beginning of August of this year, a powerful former North Dakota lawmaker, Ray Holmberg, pled guilty in federal court to traveling to Europe with the purposes of paying a minor for sex. Holmberg was indicted in October of 2023 'travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual activity and receipt and attempted receipt of child sexual abuse material'. Holmberg agreed to plead guilty to the former charge, and prosecutors would move to dismiss the latter and recommend a sentence at the low end of the guideline range.


Holmberg resigned in 2022 after serving more than 45 years in the North Dakota Senate

Now, U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett has now called for him to be hanged.

This statement has brought attention to the severity of Holmberg’s actions and the need for accountability in cases of exploitation and abuse. The congressman’s call for such a drastic punishment underscores the gravity of the situation and the importance of protecting minor children.

This writer obviously cannot speak for everyone here at Twitchy, but it seems pretty reasonable that anyone who harms a child should receive the harshest punishment.

Seems a fitting and just punishment for sexual predators who target children. Just sayin'.

This appears to be the pretty prevalent opinion here. Some comments are much more graphic, as we're sure you can imagine, so we will LEAVE it to your imagination.


According to reporting by the Associated Press:

The travel charge carries a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison, a $250,000 fine and lifetime supervised release.

In the plea agreement, Holmberg acknowledged that he had “repeatedly traveled from Grand Forks, North Dakota to Prague, Czech Republic with a motivating purpose of engaging in commercial sex with adolescent-age individuals under the age of 18 years.”

In court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Puhl detailed the allegations against Holmberg, including his emails with others related to his encounters in Prague. Puhl said he made 14 trips to Prague from 2011 to 2021 and frequented a villa that one travel companion described as a brothel that had teenage male masseuses. Another travel companion told investigators that he paid for the nights at the villa because Holmberg did not want his name on the register, Puhl said.


Seems no one opposes the suggestion from Representative Burchett. What say you, Dear Readers?

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