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Bill Gates Takes on Farting Cows but Predictably Leaves Out a Pretty Important Fact

Bing AI Image Creator

The elites are once again very concerned for the planet, and Bill Gates seems to be taking a page from AOC's book because his issue now is flatulent bovines. Take a look.


Funny that he left out that last little bit, huh? It's almost like all life on earth needs carbon. That we are, we dunno, carbon-based life forms? Plant life needs it from us and the animals, and in turn they convert it to the oxygen we need, and so on and so forth for eternity. You'd think a so-called genius would be aware of this, and you'd be right. He knows it, but control is more important to the climate cultists.

They who control the food supply control the people.


Remember y'all, every time you fart, the planet dies a little more! Or some other fear-mongering screech from the cultists ...

You'd think they'd be happy with us carnivores for eating as many of those terrible tooting critters as we can. We're doing our part for the environment, and it's delicious!


Perfectly stated.

Eating bugs is simply a nonstarter for this writer.

Always follow the money.

But it's DIFFERENT when THEY do it!

Told ya. (You can read that article here.)


Now THAT is a fight we would pay good money to watch!

That's just funny right there!

We wish we had an answer to that question. Truly.

Just remember, folks: YOU are the carbon they want to eliminate.


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