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Kidney Doc’s Hezbollah Fan Club Membership Finally Pays Off With a One-Way Ticket BACK to Lebanon

The Left really wants Americans to believe the Trump Administration is skulking around and snatching various people out of their homes or off their airplanes and deporting them. The latest example is a Professor from Brown University. 


Wow! This seems crazy! This Doctor seems just like the kind of immigrant we would want in our country. Why in the world are we deporting such a learned professional?

Leave it to Christina to clarify and bring us all back to reality.


So, yes, if one would like to stay within the United States of America, do not support terrorist groups.

Newsflash: Americans have the right to control our borders.

How lovely for Lebanon.


She can't be trusted just in general, honestly. 

NPR hid part of the story? That's so shocking! Not!

This is another deportation to celebrate.

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