Numerous countries, such as Mexico, mandate that individuals seeking citizenship demonstrate fluency in the national language, encompassing both reading and writing skills. The United States should adopt a comparable standard of linguistic proficiency for citizenship, yet regrettably, it does not. However, Arkansas has identified a clever workaround. The Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), a mandatory credential for truck drivers, requires fluency in English. The state is now actively enforcing this regulation.
English Checks Have Begun ‼️ Truck driver in Arkansas at a weigh station
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) March 16, 2025
- They’re stopping ALL trucks
- Everyone is handed a piece of paper
- They must read it out loud
- They must also write what they’re told to write
“I was actually witnessing people in handcuffs that had…
Good for them!
Call me elitist, pompous or bumptious, I don’t care. 🤷
— That Asshole from the Home Office (@AssholeHome) March 16, 2025
EVERY person working in this country should be required to learn English.
If you can’t read, write, speak or comprehend English, you’re not qualified to drive, vote or work in my country.
Good, if you can't read the road signs you have no business driving a car much less a big rig!
— Teufelhund and proud of it! (@Teufelhund73) March 16, 2025
It's the best way to ensure the roads are safe.
Arkansas is a superiorly governed state
— Dr. Bill Williams (@joinDrBill) March 16, 2025
Good job, Governor Huckabee.
It’s quite literally the most frustrating thing. I’m all for having whoever wants to drive can drive but if you can communicate in English you did NOT pass your CDL at a minimum. Dealing with haulers and using google translate to speak is ridiculous. Good on Arkansas.
— Papo Party (@Jaime305) March 16, 2025
The bar is literally on the ground at this point.
This is pretty incredible...if you can't read English, then you can't read an American Interstate sign... Which would make you a driver who can't comply with the law. WOW! Check this out👇
— John Rich🇺🇸 (@johnrich) March 16, 2025
Its a matter of public safety - we need this all over the US!
— RAD (@Rad_onX) March 16, 2025
Every state should implement these policies.
Arkansas is an excellent start! I-40 has been cut in the middle.
— Labrador Skeptic (@SaysSimulation) March 16, 2025
Next is to do the same in LA and/or MS, and cut 1-20 & I -10. At the same time, go north to MO, cut I-70
Iowa can cut I-80. SD can cut I-90. ND can cut I-94. Spilt America in half, deny the interstates to illegals
This sounds like a plan!
Oh sweet Jesus please be real and go across the US
— Chuck Finley (@repeal_19) March 16, 2025
Especially the northern border states
This should be a no-brainer.
If you can’t read traffic signs in the language of the country you’re driving in, you probably shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a 40-ton truck.
— 🅿️®️🚫❌✌🏾 (@proxcee) March 16, 2025
This just seems like common sense. There isn't enough of that used anymore.
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