Today, federal charges against Hunter Biden were announced. While the charges are serious, the penalty...not so much. There has been tons of discussion on the fairness of his consequences, but one tweet reminded us of an undeniable fact. There is truly one women in America committed to holding Hunter Biden fully accountable..the mother of his illegitimate four year old daughter. She is a true patriot.
Reminder: The only person fighting to hold Hunter Biden accountable for his actions is this smoking MILF from Arkansas.
— Flappr (@flapprdotnet) June 20, 2023
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned, particularly a woman who is supposed to receive child support.
Dead beat dad & felon…way to go Joe Biden for raising such a stand up son🤭
— Suzooooo (@Suzoo305) June 20, 2023
Biden certainly won't be selling out any parenting advice books any time soon.
The fact that a stripper is doing a better job at holding the government accountable than the FBI says something about our country.
— Мulletless Man (DeSantis 2024) 🇺🇸 (@Mullet_Simp) June 20, 2023
She is certainly way more committed to getting her justice from the Bidens than the United States government, and for that, she deserves the support of a nation.
A former stripper is a far better parent than the president's son. RIP us
— Sour Patch Lyds, proud American 🇺🇸 (@sourpatchlyds) June 20, 2023
When your stripper baby mama is the better half.
— JCantrell (@ihftmfw) June 20, 2023
It is unequivocally a low bar, but yes, very true.
And the judge in that case
— You have cooties (@wakeywakey16) June 20, 2023
Now, that is facts! The judge in Arkansas is certainly way less impressed by the Biden name than all other federal judges.
She is pretty - hunters a toolbox
— Stephanie ac 😬😬😬😬 (@stephanie_co239) June 20, 2023
He could do a lot worse , she's a good looking woman.
— T.S. (@RealTJS2) June 20, 2023
It must have been dark in the club the night they met.
Our kween
— Stephen (@KenGillingham) June 20, 2023
Someone is doing the job the government seems unwilling or unable to do.
I hope she doesn't commit suicide by shooting herself twice in the back of the head.
— Don Shift (buy my books) (@DonShift3) June 20, 2023
Not how they do it in Arkansas anymore. "Self inflicted" shotgun to the stomach after hanging "yourself".
— Uncle AC & The Rippers (@ywst_ac) June 20, 2023
That is the Clintons you are tweeting about. They seem to have enemies that all of the sudden decide to off themselves. Not so much with the Bidens. The Biden children are just very forgetful and leave laptops and diaries laying around.
I hope Mama Bear gets a big chunk of that asshole's painting money for Navy.
— KSLawWolf (@KSLawWolf) June 20, 2023
Her child deserves it for the terrible father she is stuck with. The way the whole Biden family ignores little Navy is deplorable.
America’s Stripper Heroine ❤️
— Acoustic Larry (@acousticlarry42) June 20, 2023
To be fair, she is no longer a stripper, but she is a heroine for keeping Hunter in court and paying her what she is owed.
Damn I’m about to commit treason myself
— Jon 🔬 (@JonnyMicro) June 20, 2023
Now, now. She is a beautiful woman, but only the Bidens can get away with crimes and not be charged. Let's get that straight.
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