Those silly conservatives. They don’t understand science, you see.
@BuzzFeedAndrew kind of how it works
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) September 18, 2014
@BuzzFeedAndrew not lucrative, but a living. And continually need to prove what you're studying is worth funding.
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) September 18, 2014
Then the beating commenced.
@BuzzFeedAndrew @GPollowitz How many research scientists do you know? Research money literally defines & drives careers. It is EVERYTHING.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@BuzzFeedAndrew @GPollowitz I mean, it's positively laughable to claim anything otherwise, evinces complete ignorance of research culture.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@BuzzFeedAndrew @GPollowitz Drives academic promotion + tenure, drives job security/advancement in gov't research, drives EVERYTHING.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@BuzzFeedAndrew @GPollowitz I used to work at NIH Medical Center, w/academics: they were clear – they wanted $$ more than all else.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@BuzzFeedAndrew @GPollowitz Money like oxygen. Political fallout when maj. research center grant not renewed huge: costs tons of positions.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@BuzzFeedAndrew @GPollowitz Seriously: as someone w/scientific bckgnd, what you said was most mind-bogglingly ignorant position possible.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@BuzzFeedAndrew @GPollowitz Almost like something that someone who was deliberately trying to say INVERSE of reality would've come up with.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@EsotericCD @BuzzFeedAndrew esp in climate science where you can't make money off your research. Only if it drives need for more research
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) September 18, 2014
@GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew Exactly. Saw this phenomena up close in grant review process: failure to get $ ends academic careers.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew It was the most joked about topic: applicants would literally murder their spouses for a grant or renewal.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@knordb @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew damn close, sometimes. Once when a major center renewal was denied, we started getting threats.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@EsotericCD @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew Then why would scientists choose a path that alienates half the country? God, conservatives are dumb
— Paul Lackey (@holliemaea) September 18, 2014
@EsotericCD @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew Also, if this were their motivation, they would say "we aren't sure, need to study more"
— Paul Lackey (@holliemaea) September 18, 2014
@holliemaea A study that returns no results of note is a study that doesn't get funding next round. @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@holliemaea "Sorry, we need more time & $$" only goes so far unless you have compelling 'story' to get attn. @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@EsotericCD @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew Derp. Conservatives will never be forgiven for their climate mistake.
— Paul Lackey (@holliemaea) September 18, 2014
(Excellent rebuttal, that. Golf clap.)
@holliemaea @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew Ah, so only one of us has any scientific background, yet you respond to my point with "Derp." I see.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@EsotericCD @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew You think scientists would murder for a grant. "Derp" is better than you deserve.
— Paul Lackey (@holliemaea) September 18, 2014
@holliemaea @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew Dude, do you not recognize an obvious figure of speech when you read it?
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
@redsteeze @holliemaea @GPollowitz @BuzzFeedAndrew I'm ashamed to admit it, but I laughed.
— Jeff B, fightin' the COVID one bootleg at a time (@EsotericCD) September 18, 2014
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