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The 2013 Twitchys: The 5 best celebrity Twitter meltdowns

twitchys 2013

If you’re looking for people who deleted their embarrassing tweets, head on over to our deleted tweets awards post. Today’s awards are for 2013’s best, unabashed, whole-hog celebrity Twitter meltdowns.


Without further delay, here are Twitchy’s five favorites.

5) Cher may not be very good at grammar, spelling, punctuation, or logic, but her message in this rant came through loud and clear: American citizens who advocate for limited government are morally equivalent to the Islamic terrorists who blew up the World Trade Center buildings.

To her credit she hasn’t deleted those tweets. But if she could turn back time, would she publish them in the first place? Probably!

4)  Actor Alec Baldwin was unhappy about a piece in the Daily Mail suggesting that his wife was busy tweeting during the funeral of James Gandolfini — so unhappy that he called the reporter who wrote the piece a “toxic little queen”:










He tried to delete his tweets, but he should know by now, that trick just doesn’t work. Twitchy is forever!

3) When George Zimmerman was acquitted, a lot of liberals went off the deep end. Actor Marlon Wayans was one of them:


2) After Congress rejected Manchin-Toomey gun control legislation in April, this is what model Christine Teigen had to say:




Pause. Get some sleep. Resume:




An acceptance speech from Christine Teigen:

1) Cher is the only celeb to win not one but two of Twitchy’s coveted 2013 meltdown awards. Congratulations!


Get it? She suggests Tea Party officials should be assassinated. When it comes to unhinged Twitter rants, Cher just can’t be beat.


The 2013 Twitchys: Top 20 deleted tweets of the year

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