That’s the message Joyce Carol Oates sent to veterans on Thursday when she suggested a repugnant moral equivalence between Islamic terrorists and those who serve in the U.S. military. “We are so very superior to the “suicide-bomber” cult–are we?” she asked. “US does not transform young vulnerable hopeless into human weapons of war?”
Many Twitter users weren’t buying the slimy attempt to inoculate herself against criticism with a couple of question marks.
Say something completely asinine, then put a question mark at the end as an escape clause:
— CLA (@ConservativeLA) May 15, 2014
How about these questions, Joyce?
@JoyceCarolOates The answer to your question is "Yes, vastly". My question: Do you really believe what you wrote, or are you just trolling?
— Jeffrey Robertson (@JeffreyRobertsn) May 15, 2014
@JoyceCarolOates Who runs this parody account?
— RufusKings1776 (@RufusKings1776) May 15, 2014
Whatever’s wrong with her, it’s time for Oates to seek help.
@JoyceCarolOates Not sure you know of whom you speak. I’m sickened by your analogy,I think Veterans are among the best & brightest Americans
— Chris Gomez (@FrogSupply) May 15, 2014
So do we.
These Twitter users say they served the country and were far from “vulnerable” and “hopeless.”
@JoyceCarolOates I'm a mil vet, far from hopeless, and filled w/ gratitude for the freedoms inherited from others who served. Are you?
— Lisl ??????? (@LislAK) May 16, 2014
@JoyceCarolOates Answer: Superior? Yes. My mil training did not include fitting young & impressionable with means to slaughter innocents
— Lisl ??????? (@LislAK) May 16, 2014
@JoyceCarolOates as a veteran and a fellow American who served this country for nine years….how dare you?
— Derek Ciapala (@dciapala) May 15, 2014
.@JoyceCarolOates, that you presume to pass moral judgment on American warriors would be funny if you weren't so pathetic. Buzz off. #caring
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) May 16, 2014
Pathetic, indeed.
Degenerate Joyce Carol Oates: Is the US military really ‘so very superior’ to terrorists?
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