We Are Respectable Negroes blogger Chauncey DeVega is awfully proud that Salon published his AlterNet piece about the “racial political arsonists” in the “country’s premier white identity organization.” You know, the GOP, natch.
So what does he think of minority conservatives?
@BethanyBowra I dare not ask what @chaunceydevega thinks about minority conservatives who are Republican…
I probably know the answer
— Jean R. Ewing (@GenNerd) March 21, 2014
Considering the way he glowed with pride when he called Herman Cain and other black conservatives “race minstrels” and “mascots,” yeah, you know the answer. He loves the attention he gets for stewing in the juices of his own “progressive” bigotry.
@GenNerd @BethanyBowra I am on record there. Black conservatives in the present era are professional buck dancing blackface artists. #simple
— chauncey devega (@chaunceydevega) March 21, 2014
Got that? Accept that your race determines your political beliefs or be subjected to ignorant slurs. Way to go, Salon. Way to go.
And calling them "professional buck dancing blackfaced artists" is totally not racist, bro. @chaunceydevega @GenNerd
— Bethany Bowra (@BethanyBowra) March 21, 2014
@BethanyBowra Boo! did I scare you. I think those professional shoe shine artists for the GOP can defend themselves without your help.
— chauncey devega (@chaunceydevega) March 21, 2014
@chaunceydevega Nah, I don't scare that easily, but thanks for asking. You don't think your attitude toward black conservatives is racist?
— Bethany Bowra (@BethanyBowra) March 21, 2014
@BethanyBowra I tell the truth. Water is wet. Ain't complicated. Smiles.
— chauncey devega (@chaunceydevega) March 21, 2014
You didn’t think he’d leave it at “professional shoe shine artists” and “buck dancing blackface artists,” did you?
@Plantsmantx @GenNerd @BethanyBowra black conservatives also play a damn good banjo. very good at multitasking for their white masters.
— chauncey devega (@chaunceydevega) March 21, 2014
@Plantsmantx @GenNerd @BethanyBowra as I said some time ago, today's black conservatives would sell themselves back into slavery.
— chauncey devega (@chaunceydevega) March 21, 2014
Anyone surprised that Salon gave a platform to a leftist tolerance bully and attention troll who traffics in bigotry and shutuppery? Same as it ever was.
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