Why filter out pop star Justin Bieber and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford when you can turn the train wrecks into … into this?
I will never be able to unsee this horrific image. Curse you, Internet! pic.twitter.com/FyHq07oKzc
— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) February 1, 2014
@stevesilberman @mayanrelic why would you want to unsee it? It's genius!
— Fuegostein (@AaronFuegostein) February 1, 2014
WRECKED! A revival of Gilligan's Island with Rob Ford & Justin Bieber… #Cdnpoli #music #jokes #humor #Toronto pic.twitter.com/2jTPCJVTFy
— Kim Goldberg (@KimPigSquash) February 1, 2014
#HowDoYouSayAwesome? RT@stevesilberman I will never be able to unsee this horrific image. Curse you, Internet! pic.twitter.com/56ZE0vONsZ
— Derrick Penner (@derrickpenner) February 1, 2014
Blame Canada:
HEY HEY HEEEEEEERE ON CANADIAN'S ISLE @stevesilberman: pic.twitter.com/OVzYpCRtl6
— Eight Ball (@8BalltheTiger) February 1, 2014
Oh, Canada … RT @brx0 @stevesilberman I will never be able to unsee this horrific image. Curse you, Internet! pic.twitter.com/Tif2ZMA0Km
— Offbeat Oregon (@OffbeatOregon) February 1, 2014
Damn you, CANADA!! CC @JaviAndradeM pic.twitter.com/LkAyPPdgAl
— John Dunn (@Ladrillazo) February 1, 2014
@withawye @stevesilberman way to go Canada!!
— MDM Creative (@MDMCreate) February 1, 2014
My epitaph. RT @TrendsmapCanada @stevesilberman is now trending in Canada http://t.co/Fc4WYdmZV1
— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) February 1, 2014
(Hat tip: @CraigSwinson)
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