They are now chanting si se puede at pro #Filner rally.
— Stephen Puetz (@stephenpuetz) August 19, 2013
Isn’t it the ‘yes, we can!’ attitude that got San Diego Mayor Bob Filner into trouble in the first place? For the Dems in San Diego who attended the pro-Filner rally on Monday, Gloria Steinem’s “one free grope” rule is now 17 free gropes … and counting.
There are *pro-Filner* people. via @allahpundit
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) August 19, 2013
@mkhammer @allahpundit Strange that they were all wearing long trench coats in that hot weather. What's that all about? #Pervnado
— Gary Carlo (@GaryACarlo) August 19, 2013
A small, vocal group of men and women took the microphones outside San Diego’s City Hall with signs, chants, songs and passionate defenses of Filthy Filner’s binders full of sexual harassment accusations. They called the rally “Time to Heal, Forgive & Get Back to Moving City Forward with Mayor Filner.” Let the healing begin!
Filner supporters saying, "we shall overcome" @News8 @CBS8
— Shannon Handy (@ShannonNews8) August 19, 2013
If you have to ask whether or not it's appropriate to sing "We Shall Overcome" at a pro-Filner rally, the answer is no.
— Jeff Terich (@1000TimesJeff) August 19, 2013
Umm… RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: A sign at the pro-Filner rally: "Injustice here is injustice every where – mlk"
— American Journalists Publish Chinese Propaganda (@JohnEkdahl) August 19, 2013
Another pro #Filner rally sign: "Misdemeanors Don't Disqualify!"…try working that one into a chant…
— Mason Harrison (@masonharrison) August 19, 2013
Handwritten signs say: Vets for Bob, Cease fire. Enrique saying he's with "silent majority .. to be silent no longer."
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
Female campaign volunteer: "Why now? What is the really reason. Is it because … he is standing up for everybody not a special interest?"
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
Female campaign volunteer is worried about southeast San Diego. "We are the ones who elected him. We are going to stand behind him."
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
Female campaign volunteer: "Due process means that a victim is tried in court, not in the media, not on the streets."
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
A … victim? Please let that be a misquote.
Another woman: Complainining about Filner's right to be "innocent until proven guilty." Says "we've had a lynch mob who's saying opposite."
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
Woman: "Very reminiscent of 1950s McCarthy era. In the 50s, all someone had to do is point to someone and say I think they're a communist."
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
Kathleen Harmon: "Let it be known. These women stand for Bob Filner." News conference ending with chants of "Due process!"
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
The most gobsmacking moment had to be when Maxine Sherard, PhD, a former candidate for state assembly, explained that Filner is “far more than sloppy kisses.” No, really.
Sherard: "I have not been the recipient of sloppy kisses." (laughter) "And I have met Mr. Filner on many occasions."
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
Maxine Sherard about San Diego Mayor Filner: "He's far more than sloppy kisses. You should acknowledge due process."
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
You know #Filner is pegging absurdity meter when a woman comes forward with claim he never "sloppy" kissed her and it is news.
— Aggress Teh Climate Change! (@SemperBanU) August 19, 2013
Reducing what Bob did to "sloppy kisses" proves that these people live on another planet. #Filner
— Francis Barraza (@FrancisBarraza) August 19, 2013
Sherard added:
Sherard: "I do know that Bob is fussy … but he's also fair. He's more than the sum total of one experience. Bob has been a freedom rider."
— Matthew T. Hall ??✊ (@SDuncovered) August 19, 2013
Filner is reportedly in talks with San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith to either leave office or return to work without creating a hostile work environment.
Meanwhile, the U-T San Diego is having a little fun at the mayor’s expense.
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