Let’s recap: Patrick Moran, son of Dem Rep. Jim Moran, entered a guilty plea for assaulting his girlfriend, Kelly Hoffman. She now says it was “accidental,” but officers on the scene witnessed the woman-beating sleazebag slam Hoffman’s head into a metal trash can cage. She was “bleeding heavily” from what appeared to be a broken nose and her eye socket was so swollen a medical technician suspected a skull fracture.
But you know who’s “really horrible and stupid”? Conservatives, natch. You know, no redeeming (D) after their names.
Oh come on @tommyxtopher… yeah the real villains here are @twitchyteam & @aceofspadeshq. #tcot #gop #waronwomen #p2 http://t.co/8xCJRxOz
— Simon Templar (@SimonTemplarPV) December 13, 2012
Sensitive, lady-loving Mediaite feminist Tommy Christopher was so distraught over the appalling domestic abuse that he immediately lashed out at the filthy lowlife. Er, make that lowlifes: Twitchy and blogger Ace of Spades.
Conservatives Being Really Horrible And Stupid About Patrick Moran Assault On Girlfriend http://t.co/I17TyLJQ (COLUMN)
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) December 13, 2012
In the first paragraph of his (COLUMN), Christopher writes, “It’s a horrible story that highlights an important, serious issue, but ….”
But? But what, Tommy? Domestic violence is totes important to Tommy and he’s all about the ladies, but … but … Twitchy hurted his widdle feelings by including one tweet about him from Ace:
Can't wait to read @tommyxtopher's column (COLUMN) on this: "Come On, Sometimes They Just Won't Shut Up"
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 12, 2012
Christopher claimed that “shortly after the news was reported” Twitchy “decided that the real villains were Rachel Maddow, Sandra Fluke, the media, Rep. Moran, and, somehow, me, while using Ms. Hoffman’s injuries as inspiration for pop-culture riffs.”
Actually, Tommy, the handful of curated tweets mentioning Maddow, Fluke and somehow, you, were added as an update nearly four hours after the post was published. Like intellectual honesty, time stamps are hard. And shockah, it isn’t all about you.
As for Rep. Moran, evidently Tommy finds the Democrat’s history of violent behavior irrelevant to the current story about his son’s violent behavior. Gosh, what could the connection be? To Tommy, two plus two equals … octopus!
Tommy also refuses to touch what he calls Rep. Moran’s “boilerplate statement” about the incident. That would be the “boilerplate statement” in which he hoped these “good kids” could put “this embarrassing situation behind them.”
His “good” son rearranged a woman’s face. That’s not embarrassing — it’s criminal, making that statement nothing short of depraved.
Here’s what is relevant to Tommy: Twitchy’s “horrible” effort to demonstrate that Moran family values include providing cover for a degenerate, woman-beating son and an apparent history of knocking around uppity dames.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
But since Ace’s tweets were the target of Tommy’s latest dishonest descent into a form of Blame Righty Syndrome, let’s let him destroy the (COLUMN).
pathetic hack @tommyxtopher now spinning the second generation of Moran woman-beaters (Jim Moran beat his wife in 2000, to media silence)
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Nothing at all newsworthy about a man who claimed in 2000 that he just "pushed" his wife when she "came at him"…
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
…now spinning his son's woman-beating as "embarrassing" and something requiring us to give both "good kids" some "privacy"
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
and the leftwing blogs, who avoided covering this all fucking day yesterday, now can only cover it through the prism of blaming the right
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
hey @tommyxtopher fat-shit, I wasn't there, you know. It was your Second Generation Democratic Woman-Beater beating the shit out of her.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Yet somehow he spends 90% of his column on me (who didn't break this woman's skull) and 10% on the Pat Moran and 0% his "fisty" father.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
@weaselzippers the funny thing is that yesterday I tweeted "can't wait for @TommyXtopher to write his column (COLUMN) blaming me for this"
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
You're such an important thinker and columnist (COLUMNIST) @tommyxtopher http://t.co/ZZ1J6YL5
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
This is why I have to get offline. People have the sense that online writers are retarded, no-talent hacks like @tommyxtopher
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
I can't stand to be in the company of these sad sacks any longer.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
@tommyxtopher @thekelliejane Like you did with your 12 hours of silence from 11am to 11pm?
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Indeed, Tommy had nothing to say about this “horrible story that highlights an important, serious issue” until publishing his (COLUMN) shortly after 11 p.m.
.@tommyxtopher did your silence and your deliberate embargo of the story until you were embarrassed about it highlight these "contours" ?
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Did Tommy Boy even do the minimal background reading to discover that Jim Moran also beat his wife? @instapundit @mediaite @tommyxtopher
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Did he ask a single question about how a political scion in a political town got off with probation? @instapundit @mediaite @tommyxtopher
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Oh, there’s an explanation for that. See, Tommy doesn’t think Moran “got off.” He sees the sentence of probation, counseling and community service as just about right, all things considered. He writes:
That still seems like a very lenient sentence for a guy who fractured his girlfriend’s skull, but not when you consider that Ms. Hoffman covered for Moran, and wanted the case dismissed.
Did he forget about the officers who witnessed the crime? The medical techs who treated her?
BTW while @tommyxtopher plays the Bien Pensant (saying we should look at the important issues) he himself writes a partisan blogspat screed
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Bingo! Tommy complains that Twitchy, and by extension, Ace, “exploit[ed] this sad situation for cheap points.” Exploiter of sad situations, heal thyself.
.@tommyxtopher since you're claiming any Real Reporter would have avoided the partisan infighting and focused on domestic abuse…
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
…why is it that you were unable to follow your own advice? @tommyxtopher
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Save one guy at HuffPo, the entire leftwing and all feminists embargoed this story all fucking day but now want to pretend…
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
…they were just doing so for noble reasons, like to… I don't know, give these "good kids" their "privacy"
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
No, you showed how much you really cared about domestic abuse by ducking a story were a serious skull-breaking assault got mere probation.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Still not a single question from the left about how a political scion got off with no punishment for breaking a woman's skull.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
We don't ask the questions whose answers we're afraid of, eh?
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
@RBPundit @AmandaMarcotte bear in mind this is 2nd Generation woman-beating. @jim_moran's wife alleged he hit her before she divorced him.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
so despite @tommyxtoper's assertions that this has "nothing" to do with @jim_moran— given his previous history, his "accident" cover story
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
on behalf of his son is in fact highly newsworthy. He offered a similar "accident" alibi for himself in 2000.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
I didn't know that @jim_moran was alleged to have hit his wife in 2000 because the media, of course, did not exactly give this big play…
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
…but two minutes of googling — not even googling, just checking out http://t.co/q1Ini1oC (Taylor Marsh's column) revealed this.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
No need for Google. Tommy read all about Rep. Moran’s greatest hits in the Twitchy post he whines about in his (COLUMN).
Meanwhile @tommyxtopher Cares So Very Fucking Much he didn't bother with all that.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
All that fuss. All that fuss of spending two minutes reading about a story.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Old Jezebel Column: You don't vote for a wife-beater just because he's pro-choice http://t.co/EjnPNzIa
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Leftwing Media and Blogs: How Dare You See a Political Story When a Dem Rep and then His Son Both Skate on Woman-Beating Charges
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Why there's no story here about political favoritism or the privileges of being a Congressmen committing crimes in the DC area here
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
This is all Just One Man's Failing (TM). Don't you guys know that? When a Democrat commits a crime, it's Just One Man's Failing (TM)?
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
@ComradeArthur @tommyxtopher @thekelliejane I'm sure The System Worked As Designed (TM). No Need To Ask Any Pesky Questions About It (TM).
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
While @amandamarcotte and @tommyxtopher say we should be focusing on Domestic Violence itself…
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
…neither seems to have much to say about the scandal of someone getting probation for busting a woman's skull (literally).
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Funny you should mention Amanda Marcotte. Because hey, you know who the real victim is here?
Yep, Twitchy and Ace are the real villains, and as always, Amanda Marcotte is the victim. She got her femme-a-gogue knickers in twist yesterday when conservatives, led by the awesome @LilMissRightie, eviscerated the feminist Left for ignoring the news about a Democrat going old-school ECW on his girlfriend’s face.
Like Tommy, Amanda responded by noting how horrible conservatives are and pretending she was already hard at work on a piece about Moran.
Don’t look too hard for those tweets.
Hey, maybe that’s where Tommy Christopher got the topic for his latest Mediaite drivel.
Ace also noted the deafening feminist silence, long before Amanda Marcotte and Tommy Christopher got around to publishing anything on Moran.
http://t.co/q1Ini1oC lists not a single feminist website covering the Pat Moran beating. Must be memeorandum's overisght.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 12, 2012
actually not a single liberal/leftwing site at all. Good news, I guess: the #waronwomen is over. The beaters won, I guess.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 12, 2012
Predictable: @amandamarcotte's writing a How Dare You Embarrass Us For Silently Ignoring This piece. Turns out, we're the bad guys.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 12, 2012
See, @amandamarcotte was Doing the Right Thing by ignoring this (along with every other feminist blogger and writer)
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 12, 2012
We're the bad guys for noting they were all silent. Their Silent Embargo contained great heaps of Serious Concern.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 12, 2012
I know that feminists were taking this very seriously, before we pointed out their silence, by the lack of a single feminist blog noting it.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 12, 2012
@AmandaMarcotte it's not as if I had to push the story to get you to stop doing what you would have kept doing–ignoring/embargoing it.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
You were so Heroic in your studious silence, @AmandaMarcotte , as you cast about for a Villain besides the actual woman-beater
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
because the important thing to you isn't exposing violence against women — it's connecting it to the GOP @AmandaMarcotte
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Even when my only connection with the assault was… noticing it. Something you were loathe to do yourself. @AmandaMarcotte
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
the mercenary aplomb you showed in ignoring it is noted, and also not surprising. @AmandaMarcotte
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
you're not upse about the attack — you're upset being embarrassed into writing about it. @AmandaMarcotte
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 13, 2012
Once again, Ace called it accurately. Marcotte was embarrassed into crapping out an article at The American Prospect. And because she thinks you’re stupid, for cover she published a hilarious post at Raw Story: a timeline to “prove” she was already working on the Prospect article when wingnutty wingnuts tweeted her about the Moran story.
No, really, she published a timeline!
Thank goodness! Meanwhile, what’s the #WarOnWomen crowd up to today?
Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.
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