#BrettKimberlin's charity: "attacks [criticism of] on youth, women, activists, Muslims, & 99% will not be tolerated in r beloved democracy."
— (((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) May 26, 2012
Serial harasser Brett Kimberlin’s Justice Through Music Project is using his intimidation tactics in an attempt to chill the free speech of activists who wrote about bloggers terrorized by his silencing campaign. JTMP released this statement of “thanks” to supporters:
We want to thank all of you for your tremendous support this week. Keep those donations flooding in so that those opposed to human rights and progressive values will see that their malicious attacks on youth, women, activists, Muslims, and the 99% will not be tolerated in our beloved democracy. Please note that we are working closely with both state and federal law enforcement officials and have given them lists of all those who make inappropriate statements or contacts. Again, thank you so much for all the donations. We feel like Planned Parenthood after the attack on them.
After yesterday’s “Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin” burst, the radical felon has probably compiled a pretty long list of “inappropriate statements,” or in Kimberlinese, facts he doesn’t like.
Apparently "inappropriate statements" according to #Brettkimberlin = speaking on the record about the record http://t.co/kRxN9HF4 #wcrn
— Peter Ingemi (@DaTechGuyblog) May 26, 2012
On his site #brettkimberlin notes that donations have been flowing in as a 503(c)3 I presume such donations will be then on the record #tcot
— Peter Ingemi (@DaTechGuyblog) May 26, 2012
Media malpractice: Even with #BrettKimberlin trending, lapdog media remains silent
Solidarity: Real truth to power on ‘blog about Brett Kimberlin’ day
Markos Moulitsas gets schooled on ‘nobody’ political terrorist Brett Kimberlin
Unconfirmed report: State Department partnering with political terrorist and bomber Brett Kimberlin?
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