Aw, Cher. It’s not that the Democrats wouldn’t like to recall Gov. Scott Walker. But they’ve got this whole Obama reelection thing to deal with and they don’t have the whole “walking and chewing gum at the same time” thing down pat.
And, with Walker up six points over Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, could it be that Washington Dems realize Wisconsin is a money pit?
Or hey, maybe they’re like you, Cher: lightheaded and fuzzy-brained from trying to avoid breathing the same air as the “racist homophobic women hating tea baggers.”!/cher/status/203371183331229696
Solidarity with the PEOPLE. Fight THE MAN!
We can’t wait to see which wig Cher wears while pounding signs and knocking on doors in Wisconsin. Surely she has her plane ticket booked already.
Or maybe she’ll just stay home and settle in for another heartbreaking, tear-inducing dream about Democrats losing elections.
Cher’s heartbreaking, tear-inducing nightmare about the November election
Cher: I’m sorry for being a hater like Rush Limbaugh
Morning meltdown with Cher: jellyfish, Satan, and GOP wing-nuts
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