Actress Ashley Judd is spending time helping carry President Obama’s water. It’s the same old argument that the economy is liable to improve any day now simply because ‘the one’ is in charge. She also did not waste the opportunity to feed the false conservative war on women frenzy.
Fact: 72 million women have more $ in their pockets thanks to President Obama's tax credits & 18 tax cuts for small bizzes owned by women!
— ashley judd (@AshleyJudd) July 22, 2012
Now, the President's economy regenerating policies have been – and will continue to take effect.
— ashley judd (@AshleyJudd) July 22, 2012
Conservatives wasted no time in enlightening Judd on the current economic climate, which is owned by Obama.
@AshleyJudd Would that be in the form of're a fool !
— Ali McGuire (@__DragonWings__) July 22, 2012
@AshleyJudd You bet…middle class thriving under dear ruler. Plus, Romney supports starving kids. #wackjob
— Scott Kruse (@SWKruse) July 22, 2012
@AshleyJudd Taxes will help the middle class and thusly will help hunger in our nation? Can I see your formula for this equation?
— John Henry Mulholland (@Ruffian1981) July 22, 2012
@AshleyJudd don't buy it
— Bart (@Sparky_AR) July 22, 2012
@AshleyJudd don't forget over 8% unemployment for 42 consecutive months and 6 trillion in failed spending #obamafail #ObamaIsntWorking
— Al Waisman (@fspilot1971) July 22, 2012
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