Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is under fire for a fundraising email she sent out with the subject line, “Mitch McConnell DOOMED” and a claim in the body of the email that says “Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight just announced that Democrats are poised to win SIX Senate seats this November.”
Sean Trende of RealClearPolitics remarked, “Here in the real world Silver gives Demings a 1-in-17 chance of beating Rubio, but sure, why not?”:
Here in the real world Silver gives Demings a 1-in-17 chance of beating Rubio, but sure, why not? pic.twitter.com/1MOnziyuME
— Sean T at RCP (@SeanTrende) July 5, 2022
And Nate Silver called it “straight-up misinformation from Pelosi,” noting that “[we] have Democrats as heavy underdogs in Florida and Ohio”:
Yeah, this is straight-up misinformation from Pelosi. We have Democrats as heavy underdogs in Florida and Ohio. https://t.co/7IZmaxVRYR
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) July 5, 2022
These fundraising emails — from both sides — really are getting out of hand:
adwriters really phoning it in with "We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to … keep Democrats in power for another two years" https://t.co/Xb71NSmm06
— Andrew Egger (@EggerDC) July 5, 2022
Even worse for Pelosi is that former Truth Czar Nina Jankowicz called her out:
“While it’s not the most outrageous falsely-attributed statement I’ve seen in a ‘22 fundraising email, this blatant misrepresentation of @fivethirtyeight‘s work is unacceptable. Dems should drop this disinfo (as I would wager it was deliberate) & focus fundraising on real issues.”
While it's not the most outrageous falsely-attributed statement I've seen in a ‘22 fundraising email, this blatant misrepresentation of @fivethirtyeight's work is unacceptable. Dems should drop this disinfo (as I would wager it was deliberate) & focus fundraising on real issues. https://t.co/zB6EhafttW
— Nina Jankowicz 🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@wiczipedia) July 5, 2022
Case closed!
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