Meet Arjav Rawal, a California high school student and former Eric Swalwell volunteer who — AGAIN — scooped everyone and released the latest Iowa poll sponsored by the Des Moine Register and CNN early:
Congrats to our very own @ArjavRawal for the high profile scoop!
— High School Dems (@hsdems) January 11, 2020
Here’s his tweet before the DMR or CNN had released the numbers:
CNN/Des Moines Register Iowa caucus poll (Jan. 2-8, MoE +/- 3.7 percentage points):
Sanders 20% (+5 since Nov. 8-13)
Warren 17% (+1)
Buttigieg 16% (-9)
Biden 15% (=)More to come after the jump
— Arjav "NO WAR WITH IRAN" Rawal (@ArjavRawal) January 10, 2020
smfh CNN *STILL* can't get their act together
— Arjav "NO WAR WITH IRAN" Rawal (@ArjavRawal) January 10, 2020
41 minutes later, the DMR tweeted it out:
Sanders: 20% (+5)
Warren: 17% (+1)
Buttigieg: 16% (-9)
Biden: 15% (-)
Klobuchar: 6% (-)
Yang: 5% (+2)
Booker: 3% (-)
Steyer: 2% (-1)
Gabbard: 2% (-1)
Bloomberg: 1% (-1)
Not sure: 11% (+6)No other candidate polled above 0%.
— Des Moines Register (@DMRegister) January 10, 2020
Now, the reason he’s doing this is hilarious. It’s because CNN “employs morons” and he has a “vendetta” against the cable news channel:
— Mike Madden (@MikeMadden) January 11, 2020
The New York Times refused to print who he was talking about, however. It’s Chris Cillizza and Rick Santorum:
Marc didn't put it in the article for obvious reasons, but I did specifically single out Cillizza and Rick Santorum during our phone conversation.
— Arjav "NO WAR WITH IRAN" Rawal (@ArjavRawal) January 11, 2020
And LOL:
Sorry to disappoint folks. Hopefully they'll continue on this newfound path of progress by firing @CillizzaCNN next.
— Arjav "NO WAR WITH IRAN" Rawal (@ArjavRawal) January 10, 2020
Rawal’s trick? He’s successfully guessed the URLS for the polls:
Three times now, @ArjavRawal has tweeted the Iowa poll results before their official release
— Matt Hodges (@hodgesmr) January 11, 2020
Well done.
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