Waleed Shahid, former staffer for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared his old boss to a cross between Bernie Sanders and Cardi B, which is particularly funny as the singer/songwriter had an old video resurface this week where she bragged about drugging rich men and robbing them back when she was a stripper just trying to support herself:
AOC's former staffer, Walid Shaheed, says Democratic Socialism is now "not as fringe as you might think. In fact, what's becoming fringe is if you call yourself a capitalist openly." pic.twitter.com/03Z9gYqyIz
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2019
And consider us “fringe” members as well who are not afraid to defend capitalism:
Capitalism has been the greatest force for good in world history. It has created enormous opportunity, improved our standard of living immensely, reduced real poverty to a tiny percentage, and almost completely eliminated world hunger.
I openly call myself a capitalist. https://t.co/N43pYbkZwV
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) April 1, 2019
I call myself a capitalist openly. https://t.co/Zdnecy2Wht
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) April 1, 2019
Fix it? They’re bragging about it:
You can't fix this level of stupidity and ignorance.
You simply can't. https://t.co/3TUL79wfDL
— Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D., M.S. (@Neoavatara) April 1, 2019
And have fun in 2020 with this message:
While this might play well with AOC's part of the Democratic base, this is not going to be a winning strategy for Democrats in 2020.
Continue to let AOC be the mouthpiece of the party at your own peril, Dems. https://t.co/aNBUQ5aSg5
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) April 1, 2019
Future tweet from CNN’s Brian Stelter: Why does Fox News care so much about AOC?
She's been in Congress for 20 minutes and @MSNBC has done a town hall with her and an hour long "Headliners" special on her in the last couple of days. https://t.co/0y8EdWLB1f
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) April 1, 2019
Anti-Trump liberal hero once suggested for Dem SOTU response defends drugging and robbing men in her past life as a stripper https://t.co/s1uRQkX5II
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 27, 2019
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