It looks like illegal-immigrant activist and journalist Jose Antonio Vargas needs to study up for his eventual U.S. citizenship test. This is pretty much covered in the 1st Amendment, pal:
#ThingsThatShouldBeIllegal: calling people/human beings "illegal" @DefineAmerican
— Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting) January 19, 2016
The hashtag “#ThingsThatShouldBeIllegal” — a collection of humorous things that should be illegal” — had been trending at the time, so maybe he’s just trolling?
@joseiswriting Are you serious?
— Jon Henke (@JonHenke) January 19, 2016
Actions are illegal, not people, never people.
— Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting) January 19, 2016
@joseiswriting I understand your point, but are you seriously saying you would throw the first amendment under the bus over this?
— Jon Henke (@JonHenke) January 19, 2016
Jon, I'm following the hashtag
— Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting) January 19, 2016
@joseiswriting So are you saying you would seriously outlaw the term? Or would not?
— Jon Henke (@JonHenke) January 19, 2016
I believe in freedom of speech. But how we speak and what words we use are shaped by what we know
— Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting) January 19, 2016
No, there’s not “but.” We don’t make saying words “illegal.”
Vargas then when on to prove his point with a meme:
About calling people "illegal"…#wordsmatter @DefineAmerican
— Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting) January 19, 2016
Good point. We will start referring to underage drinkers as “illegal drinkers” to better describe their actions.
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