President Joe Biden was on hand in Arlington, VA last night to help Terry McAuliffe’s struggling campaign with just a week to go until the election:
Arlington is ready to get out and VOTE to keep Virginia moving FORWARD. 🚀 7 days. Let's do this. 🗳️➡️
— Terry McAuliffe (@TerryMcAuliffe) October 27, 2021
And Fox News’ Tucker Carlson poked some fun at our elderly and at-risk president for not following proper COVID-19 safety precautions at the potential “superspreader” event.
“We can’t get over those pictures we just showed you, those live pictures, of Joe Biden breathing on strangers. Coughing up phlegm and smearing it on people with his hands. That’s the real hacking scandal. It wasn’t the Russians. It was Joe Biden’s lungs. Repulsive. Will the White House respond tomorrow? We hope so.”
Tucker Carlson points out how a maskless Biden is breathing all over people at a Terry McAuliffe campaign "superspreader" event
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) October 27, 2021
But that’s actually not the dumbest moment from the event. The McAuliffe campaign was handing out books because, you know, Glenn Youngin wants to ban them:
.@vademocrats are handing out books by Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison after Youngkin featured mother in ad who tried to ban the novel “Beloved” from her son’s curriculum
— Mica Soellner (@MicaSoellnerDC) October 26, 2021
Good luck with this tactic:
Terry McAuliffe’s staff, at Joe Biden rally in Virginia, are passing out Toni Morrison books to the press
— Christopher Cadelago (@ccadelago) October 26, 2021
The “book banning” claim is a lie:
Biden/Terry dishonestly conflating “allowing parents to opt their kids out of certain assignments” with “banning books” is a pretty big tell.
They want you to pay insane taxes, give your kids to the schools, and not ask any questions.
That’s Terry McAuliffe’s Virginia.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) October 27, 2021
And even the Washington Post called out:
Biden repeats book ban lie so brazen even the Washington Post called it out.
The bills Macker vetoed gave parents notice and opt-out from sexually explicit course materials. 18 Democrats including 13 Black Caucus members voted for them. No book bans.
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) October 27, 2021
The latest polls have the race about tied, but Youngin is “surging with independents”:
The new survey from Christopher Newport University shows stronger enthusiasm on the GOP side and Youngkin surging with independents.
But it is the latest that makes it look like Youngkin has just stalled at a tie with the former governor, despite gains.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 27, 2021
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