Add lib blue-check Josh Marshall to the list of those pushing the claim that “the individual right to own and use firearms is completely made up and the product of NRA funded activism”:
Just to remind everyone, the individual right to own and use firearms is completely made up and the product of NRA funded activism.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) July 13, 2021
Who wants to tell him?
Who wants to tell him about the Second Amendment?
— Bearing Arms (@BearingArmsCom) July 14, 2021
Can we call this Big Lie?
This week in selling made-up history to progressives who don't know better or want to be lied to:
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) July 14, 2021
And he’s “laughable wrong as proven over and over by constitutional decisions made and upheld by the Supreme Court”:
You are laughably wrong as proven over and over by the constitutional decisions made and upheld by the Supreme Court of the US. You are a Dred Scott Democrat.
— Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) July 14, 2021
“The amount of gaslighting people on the left use in regards to the Second Amendment is amazing”:
The text of the amendment is very plain.
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
The amount of gaslighting people on the left use in regards to the Second Amendment is amazing.
Keep doesn't mean own. The people means the states.
— Stephen Gutowski (@StephenGutowski) July 14, 2021
We’ll say it again for all the libs out there:
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 14, 2021
Sadly, this is true. It won’t be the last time we hear it:
These people think if they say something enough they can magically erase the historical record.
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) July 14, 2021
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