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'Worst Governor in America': Elise Stefanik blasts Andrew Cuomo for threatening state lawmakers

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is under fire after he appeared to threaten state lawmakers with the release of non-public allegations of corruptions under investigation by the state’s Joint Committee on Public Ethics (JCOPE):


He’s trying to say that the public allegations made against him are the same as everything that the JCOPE is investigating or has investigated regarding state lawmakers:

Cuomo himself has called for the resignation of state officials before any sort of due process, which makes his call for Dems to wait until the investigation of him is complete totally hypocritical:


Well, duh. Politicians like the governor due tend to play politics:

But GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik was having none of it, blasting Cuomo as the “Worst Governor in America” and calling him out for the threat to release confidential documents on his enemies:

Cuomo is “a criminal sexual predator & a corrupt official who needs to be removed from office”:


Stefanik also put Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul on notice that she needs to answer what did she know about Cuomo’s behavior and when did she know it?


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