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Pass the Gaslight - Tim Walz's Quip About a Joyful Thanksgiving is Either Stupid or Dishonest

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It has been amazing to watch. Sure, politicians stretch the truth, spin and even lie. However, there's this new phenomenon of saying something that is literally the opposite of what they are. Take "weird". The Democrats are a walking freakshow but are working overtime to make that stick to J.D. Vance. Or how about "authoritarian"? They caterwaul about Trump even as they weaponized the IRS, DOJ and FBI against their ideological opponents including ordinary citizens.


Which brings us to today's Democratic Party whopper. While pushing "joy" as their new focus-grouped message that has the natural look and feel of the plastic grass that the grocery store packs in with your to-go sushi, Tim Walz goes on to claim that Thanksgiving was peaceful until those nasty MAGAs divided the country. Behold. 

You read that right. This is from the people who pushed politics into every topic. The people who advised you to talk to your "racist uncle" when you went home for the holidays. Yep, those people.

The assumption is that they're either stupid or assume their voters are stupid. Fortunately receipts were kept.

If they had any sense of shame they wo- never mind. What were we thinking?

Every hot take magazine was trying to turn traditional family time into a divisive political opportunity.


Getting in your family's face was a gift to us from America's first community organizer President. Now they're trying to wipe the stink off.

Correction: the choices aren't just "stupid" and "deceptive" but have been updated to include "passive-aggressive cat lady". We apologize for any inconvenience.

We remember.

"The personal is political!"

"Yeah, yeah, please pass the mashed potatoes."

Why yes, they they are.

Then there was the fact that during Covid, Walz took a hardline approach to Thanksgiving gatherings, which proves he has cajones bigger than a pair of 20lb Butterballs


Having a good memory is the antidote to charlatans and other assorted liars.


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