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Brian Stelter Commits Blasphemy Against Biden So Bad He Deletes Tweet

Townhall Media

So this happened. Brian Stelter, reliable foot soldier for the Democrats, committed the Unpardonable Sin of not staying pure. This one sentence fragment was enough to turn him from favorite commentator to scummy, right-wing adjacent corporate tool.


You can't see it? That's because he deleted it. So fiercely did his allies turn on him that he quickly recanted and prayed for mercy. Fortunately for us, it was screenshotted*.

* We've been told that "screenshotted" is not correct but we like it because it sounds a little naughty, so it remains.

Now let's dive into the rich pool of responses at the hands of his Inquisitors and savor the fundamentalism that the left loves to accuse the right of.

Poor Brian. We on the right always knew he was a hack. But for it to be coming from the left, for such a minor infraction at that, has us choking back the tears - of laughter.

Of course White House shill, Aaron Rupar, dutifully took Stelter to the woodshed for (checks notes) discussing Biden's age. Because no one does that, right? Or maybe it's because Stelter broke the first rule of Biden Problems Club, there are no Biden Problems.


Yup, there's not a hair's breadth between Brian Stelter and Charlie Kirk anymore.

Clown, you are the media and ideologically, just down the hall from Stelter.

This reminds us of the time Debra Messing huffily canceled her subscription to the New York Times because they didn't fully toe the line.

Let's see if his penance is sufficient to appease the True Believers.


There's a lot to be said for the company you keep.

LOL! Guess not.


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