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Monday Morning Meme Madness

Fuzzy Chimp (adapted from Grok-generated image)

Welcome back to another Monday! No matter how bad your Monday is, you probably won't have people trying to assassinate you, so at least you have that going for you!


We're going through some dark days of leftist-inspired political violence. To us, that means we need to take time to laugh, now more than ever.

In that spirit, let's kick the day off with our favorite memes, clips, and jokes we've collected over the past week.

Yep, that about sums it up.

LOL! It's encouraging to see a good sense of humor among the youth.

HAHA! This seems like something y'all would do. Just admit it!

'You idiots!' LOL.

We all had that one school picture. 😂

Cat Twitter was wild this week. We covered a lot of those memes separately so …

… we'll mostly give you a break today. 😂


Seriously though, just try it!


Tim Walz is weird.

LOL! That's hilarious … and warped … and if you don't know, just be thankful you don't know.

Trust us. That one left scars.

The leaf blower! 💀💀💀

So dark. 😂

He jumped! LOL.

Hey, we didn't say there would be no cat jokes.

Poor kid.

That one hits a little too close to home. We're not saying we've used our phone flashlight to search for our phone, but we're not saying we didn't either.

LOL. That's good.



It's a-boat time, eh?

Never too old to mess with the whippersnappers!

Mind. Blown. 😂

Get yourself some idiot friends like this … or be the idiot friend.

No, you did not just do that, Rani!

Yeah, we laughed. Whatever.

That's just great. 😂

LOL! We didn't see that one coming.

(Language warning)

'Fool me twice … go viral online.'

We hope Biden is coherent enough to stick it to his Democrat coup leaders … but we doubt it.

Well done, sir! 😂

We've probably spent too much time thinking about this very question.


We are unreasonably amused by this one. 😂😂😂

Same, bro.

TV was an entirely different thing back in the day. LOL.

Okay, that one is just messed up. What is wrong with you people? 😂


RIP, Harambe.


Dang, girl! She pulls no punches. LOL.

You guys with the dad jokes this week! We love it!

Been there. Done that.

LOLOLOL! Will the AIs be our undoing?


Wow! That was the last cat joke. We promise!

Some darn lucky kids, that's whose grandpa this is! 😂

Here's a funny throwback for you this week. It's Mr. Rogers with David Letterman in 1982. We could use some more men like Fred Rogers and some more comedians like Letterman (before he lost his mind to politics).

If you have your own favorite funny clip, skit, comedy sketch, or movie scene from the olden days, be sure to share it with us in the comments. We may just use it in a future Monday Morning Meme Madness.

Now there's an idea we could get behind!

Unfortunately, Hang on a Second doesn't exist yet, so you're gonna have to hitch up your britches and get out there and do your best to curb stomp this Monday … or survive Monday curb stomping you. Either way works.

Until we meme again …

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