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Monday Morning Meme Madness

Fuzzy Chimp (Adapted from an image first generated by Grok)

Things are about to get wild this week as the Democrats kick off their convention which is sure to be filled with the utterly bizarre, posing as normal. We here at Twitchy will be sure to bring you all the laughs and outrageous rhetoric, but there's only one way to prepare for such a spectacle …


We need a good dose of laughs before the Chicago shenanigans begin.

That's why we're here, once again, to try to help us all cope with what is sure to be a Monday leading into madness. We've got some of our favorite memes, clips, and jokes from the past week to get the day started off on the right foot.

LOL! Somebody needs to tell him!

Yeah, we're going to need more information … and some details about where to purchase this beauty.

Hey, you could just go with this classic …

Been there. Done that.

Okay, that's funny.

Yes, the Left went after teenage JD Vance this week for … having once been a teenager. We all had fun with it.

We love the dad joke energy y'all bring us every week.

Bwahaha! The age-old question remains undefeated: 'What am I going to use this for?'


What kind of mind comes up with this stuff? 😂

Hey, what do you call it when Fozzy Bear moves at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once?

Walk-a, walk-a, walk-a!

We know that was bad. We don't care!

LOL! We feel sort of evil for laughing at that, but now that we're already here, why not dig deeper?

LOLOLOL! We want to be friends with this guy.

This dude has a death wish. 😂😂😂


Perfect! 😂

They do both present their own set of problems.


Sorry, cat lovers, we've been so nice to cats in recent weeks that we felt the need to acknowledge their failures.

See, not only do we try to make you laugh every Monday, but we also bring you helpful tips.


Yeah … not happening. It all sounds well and good until you suddenly find yourself in need of a power adapter for a Windows Pocket PC 2000.


That's just not right. We laughed.

We finally understand what Pearl Jam has been singing about all these years! 😂


'Yeah, that's not really gonna … wait … wuh? … how? … WHOA!'

Our minds are blown. LOL.


Nailed it!


If only there was a way to prevent this disease …

Y'all ain't right! 😂



This is an older one, but we still love it and it popped up again this week.

¡Muy bueno! 😂

Oh man! LOL!

LOLOLOL! We should not have laughed that hard at that one.

Shots fired!

That is an … interesting … talent.

Give him a chance, Uber driver guy! 😂

We know the Olympics are old news, but people keep coming up with new memes for the Australian breakdancer so we had to share.

The breakdancer lady is not nearly as weird as Tim Walz.

Well done, sir.




That's it! She's appropriating kangaroo culture!

And we're dead! LOL.

It's going to live on forever!

For our throwback video this week, we chose Larry the Cable Guy appearing on Jay Leno's show alongside the lovely Patricia Heaton. We almost forgot how funny late-night shows could be before they were ruined by humorless hosts getting too political.

Larry is one funny man!

Well, you're going to have to get out there and deal with Monday whether you like it or not. Try to handle it like these three dudes. Don't take it too seriously and be sure to have some fun!

Until we meme again …

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