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Here's the FINAL National Presidential Election Map Now That Nevada and Arizona Have Been Called

AP Photo/Julio Cortez

To be completely honest, we were expecting the presidential election to drag on perhaps until the end of the week (or longer) before a winner was determined, but things went in Donald Trump's direction so decisively that the matter was settled before the sun rose on Wednesday morning. 


Trump had the electoral votes for the win late last night, and also the "popular vote" just to make it more awkward for the Left, but two states were still unsettled. 

It took a while, but Arizona and Nevada have now been called, and Trump's margin of victory got even bigger. 

Those two states have been called by Decision Desk HQ:  

And with that, we have the full national presidential election map. Let's just say it was a good day for Donald Trump and many Republicans: 


Trump wanted "too big to rig" and that's exactly what happened.

A bad day for Nancy Pelosi is a good day for the Republic, but worry not, because she'll get some hot stock tips tomorrow which will make up for all the frustration.

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