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Harris Campaign Desperately Spinning Kamala's 2007 Warning to Legal Gun Owners in Their Homes

Meme screenshot

Kamala Harris made a comment about 17 years ago when she was the District Attorney of San Francisco that has been making the rounds again these last few weeks. Often those kinds of things come and go, but you can tell this clip is resonating because the Harris campaign (not Harris herself of course) is spinning what she said. This is the clip:

Fast forward to the 2024 presidential campaign and Harris has pivoted from "we'll kick your door in to make sure you're a responsible gun owner" to "break into my house and get shot":

But the 2007 clip is still problematic, and that became apparent when Team Harris felt compelled to explain what she was saying, though it was abundantly clear at the time.

Here's the full post from Fox News' Jacqui Heinrich:

A Harris campaign aide confirms to FOX the VP was not suggesting searches that would violate the 4th amendment, when she appeared to suggest in a 2007 press conference that police could enter homes of gun owners and make sure weapons are stored properly.

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home, doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible,” she said.

Since her remarks resurfaced, the NRA Legislative Institute has warned, “It is difficult to overstate the impact of Harris’s proposal, were it to be implemented nationwide. Roughly half of American homes would be subject to government intrusion.”

An aide tells FOX that Harris was not suggesting searches without a warrant/probable cause – and that she was speaking to violations surrounding the new gun storage laws she was speaking about at the 2007 press conference.

At the time, Harris was serving as San Francisco District Attorney; her remarks came alongside Gavin Newsom, who was serving as the city’s mayor. In the presser, Newsom was reportedly asked how he would enforce the new laws and said, “We're not going to knock on everybody's door, we're not going to break in and inspect...”

Harris’ past statements have come under renewed scrutiny as her campaign declines to release any information on the weapon she now claims to own, or any details about when she bought it.

Harris has said multiple times on the campaign trail, “Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We're not taking anybody's guns away,” – but as San Francisco District Attorney in 2005, she sponsored a gun confiscation measure to do just that, called Proposition H.

The ballot proposal gave San Francisco residents 4 months to surrender their handguns or face mandatory jail time, with exceptions for military and law enforcement. The NRA successfully blocked the measure in court before it was implemented.

The Harris campaign has not answered questions about whether Harris owned a weapon at the time, or about how her views on guns have evolved since.

The Harris campaign tells FOX of Harris’ 2007 remark surrounding gun storage inspections, “As Vice President Harris said on the debate stage, she is a gun owner who supports common-sense safety laws that Donald Trump opposes. As she has her entire career, Vice President Harris will uphold and defend the law and rights of Americans, including the 2nd Amendment. What Vice President Harris won’t do is tell families to ‘get over it’ or brag about doing ‘nothing’ in the face of gun violence like Donald Trump. The law in question, requiring sensible gun storage in homes, was upheld by Republican appointed judges in the ninth circuit and declined to be reviewed by the Supreme Court.”

"Harris will uphold and defend the law and rights of Americans, including the 2nd Amendment." 

Yeah, based on her past comments, Harris will uphold and defend the 2nd Amendment the same way she no longer wants to ban fracking. She's lying as usual. 

It's absolutely clear the Harris campaign has no intention of having their candidate do any challenging interviews. 

This is the phoniest presidential candidate ever. Before Harris became the Democrat nominee she told Americans repeatedly who she really is, and they should believe that version, not the "Capricorn One" version of her presidential campaign. 


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