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Media Pushing 'Viral Cool Dad' Tim Walz Propaganda Couldn't Be More Shameless

Journalism meme

Watching the media spring into action to try and help the Democrats market Kamala Harris and Tim Walz was as predictable as the sun coming up in the east, but still we can't help but be amazed by the level of shamelessness the propaganda effort has reached. 


We'll start with The Atlantic's offering, which is a fairly ballsy approach considering how many Americans are struggling to afford groceries three and a half years into the "Bidenomics" that Harris supported all the way: 

We're more concerned about the NOT relatable things, such as their love of socialism, open borders and economic policies that are wrecking the middle class they claim to be saving. 

The Washington Post is, of course, also getting in on the act to try and make Tim Walz relatable to Joe Sixpack in swing states: 

They're trying to put the Babylon Bee out of business.

On a similar note, the Star-Tribune risks dislocating a shoulder by trying to carry this much water for Walz:


That narrative is so manufactured it had to be put together inside an abandoned auto factory. 

The people who Walz let burn down areas of Minnesota cities in 2020 who Harris then helped raise bail money for might consider them a "cool dad and mom," but not so much for everybody else.

Pravda's got nothing on a large segment of the hack U.S. media.

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